"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

well as I said before this is my first flock I had been wanting to get chickens for over a year and had doing all kinds of research which is how I found this place and well as my husband said I pulled the trigger on it back in March I had been waiting on him to build a coop for me before I got them wasn't working so I got them and he had no choice but to get the coop done

I have 4 buff orpingtons
the one in my profile pic is my roo Hermes then there is Athena, Persephone and Tiny

2 Black Australorps
Aphrodite and Selene

and last but not least 2 White Plymouth Rocks
Snow White and Backup (the hubby named her)

That seems to be the way to go about It! I begged and begged for over a year for my husband to build me a coop, finally got fed up and bought some chicks. Voila, few weeks later I have a coop! and a here we are 6 weeks later and chicken math has totally taken over. Went from 6 (4 silkies, frizzle cochin bantam, and a polish) to a current count of 26. Lawd help me, I tend to go overboard! I've added a lavender silkie chick, white crested polish chick, 2 LF frizzle chicks, 12 Wyandotte chicks, 3 mystery chickens and we inherited 3 older laying hens. I will say most of the Wyandottes will be rehomded and a few others. 12 are in the coop, all the new ones are in the brooder, they range from a few days to a week old!
Wow lol yeah that's alot I'm mainly doing it be ouse I love raising then and we go thru 22 eggs easy in a week so I van provide my own eggs and maybe sell a dozen or to
Has anyone out there recently purchased a sack of Dumor layer pellets that was off color, more whiter looking than normal? If so have you had any chickens suddenly get weak and die? About a month ago I bought 2 sacks of layer pellets from Tractor Supply. The first sack I opened and poured in the storage can looked a lot lighter in color, but didn't think much of it at the time. After 3 weeks of feeding this food to my flock I have had 2 otherwise strong, healthy chickens suddenly become lethargic, weak and die. After doing some research I found that moldy food could be a cause and remembered that off color food. We just opened the second sack of food purchased at the same time, an it is normal looking, not whitish. I am not absolutely certain the food was tainted, but if I buy any more of that white looking feed I will be returning it to the store.
Has anyone out there recently purchased a sack of Dumor layer pellets that was off color, more whiter looking than normal? If so have you had any chickens suddenly get weak and die? About a month ago I bought 2 sacks of layer pellets from Tractor Supply. The first sack I opened and poured in the storage can looked a lot lighter in color, but didn't think much of it at the time. After 3 weeks of feeding this food to my flock I have had 2 otherwise strong, healthy chickens suddenly become lethargic, weak and die. After doing some research I found that moldy food could be a cause and remembered that off color food. We just opened the second sack of food purchased at the same time, an it is normal looking, not whitish. I am not absolutely certain the food was tainted, but if I buy any more of that white looking feed I will be returning it to the store.

Sorry for your loss. I would be devastated. I don't use that food so Im not sure on the food discoloration but I hope no one else in the flock dies on you!

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