"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"


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Ok evidently I cant find the date for the chicken expo
Anyone know what it is
And got my first ducks hatched this year with many to come
I know! Seems like everytime you look at the weather channel it changes!! Showing lows around 26!!

I will be plugging up the heat lamps tonight for everyone in the outside coops.
brrr... is it cold enough for everyone this morning? we got down to 20,have a wind chill of 15 right now.. atleast the chickens can get out & enjoy some sunshine today
I know! I put the chickens up at 65 degrees last night and opened the coop to 30 this morning,. they all looked at me like I did it,..

I don't look forward to the days of rain coming,. I hate mud.
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22 here this morning & the wind cuts you like a knife. Opened the coop & the chickens all ran outside, stopped in horror when the wind hit them, then turned around as one bird & ran back inside their coop!

I handed out hot meals, broke ice on the waterers, laid out extra hay, reheated snugglesafes for our ancient outside cats, kept all brooder lamps plugged in & youngest lemon tree covered.

Counting my blessings, because my SIL in Milwaukee called last night & told us what conditions were like up there, so I know it could be a whole lot worse!
Very cold this morning!!! And the wind didn't help at all. I bundled up before I stepped into that ugly weather at 5:30AM with my rubber boots. All of the cats were laying comfortably and warm in the garage. I leave the heater on for them with a blanket in front of the heater. All of them have their own little cat beds with a blanket in the garage. I warmed their canned cat food and placed it in their bowls along with their dried cat food.

Next, it was time to march out to the chicken yard with my latern AND flashlight. The first coop that I went to, the door frozen so tight that I couldn't open it. I fought with it for a few minutes until it opened. I checked on the girls in this coop and they were ok. I noticed that I forgot an egg in their last night, so I'm sure it is frozen. I will try to eat it tonight. Their 5 gallon waterer was frozen to the base. I had a screwdriver with me and I tried to knock holes in it with no luck. I had to walk back to the house to get a gallon of HOT water to melt it. After doing that, it was on to the next location. All of the girls and guys were ok. Heat lamps were on in the coops and everyone was just waking up. I opened up all of the coops and stalls but no one jumped off of their roost. They didn't want any part of that weather this morning. Everyone remained where they were. The waterers inside the chicken stalls were frozen solid, so again, I had to go back to the house to get hot water. A few of wateres for the ducks and geese were frozen. I kicked them a few times and the ice broke. The peacocks were snuggled and warm with their heat lamp in their aviary. There were up but still roosting. The rabbits were eating. The sheep were in their shed with all of their babies. They stuck their heads out when they heard me making my rounds. The goat was still asleep, so I didn't bother him. I put food and hay out for him and quietly walked away. The mallard, white crested duck and welsh harlequin were in their duck house still asleep. The geese were still sleeping with the heads turned back and tucked behind them. The broody turkeys and hens were in their indiviual brooders still asleep.

After checking on everyone, I marched back inside and prepared for work.

Preparing for another cold night tonight. When will it end?
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