"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Alas I dont rehome anything caught in a trap period. I leave that up to rehabbers and in my opinion rehab is for quiters
I dont quit till its gone

I actually have issues with a neighbor and her need to have 30-40 cats running around so me and the animal shelter have great friendship built on removing this womans cats . I catch them they dont let her have them back. Any other critter doesnt get any reprieve if it messes with my birds. I am a licensed trapper and have been almost all my life so if I get after it, its gonna have serious issues before its done

Dont get me wrong I am in no way cruel to any animals, I have some serious investment and am not kindly to loosing any of it.

Did you ever get your report from the state ?
I had my NWCO (nusince wildlife control operator) license from the state but did renew it yet this year. I never really got into it maybe one day.
I hope you catch what got your birds!
I got a couple chickens a month ago and they love their new home. I built them a nice coop and run but during the day they want to roam the yard and under the pier house. I gave up trying to keep them in the run. They seem miserable. The yard is closed off with a chain link fence. Once they go in the coop around 8:20 my Sister does close the run door to keep them safe for the most part. They just starting laying this week and I have been feeding them the purina layer feed. My question is my neighbors feed them bird seed during the day and they have cut back on eating their regular feed about 50%. Will they still get the nutrients, calcium they need? My Sister gives them craked corn treats and that has not helped them with eating their regular food as well. These chickens are spoiled which is cool but I just want to make sure they are eating enough of what they need to eat. I do see them eating plenty grass when they are hanging in the yard. TIA

What city do you live in? I'm near Sulphur.

I love it that your neighbors are enjoying your chickens. Bird seed won't hurt them. If they're laying, just make sure to have laying pellets available for them at all times. If you notice that the chickens aren't eating the layer pellets you might mix in some scratch grains with the layer pellets to make it more appealing.

I wish that my neighbors would feed some of my chickens.
Yeah, but make sure that the butt part hangs past your lap so that he can't poop on your lap. Ask me how I know.
And, when he wags the tail make sure that all of your body parts are out of the way because he's priming for a blast.

Oh yes! If only the tail shake gave a little more warning!

And those suckers can sure leave a bruise if they get you! My boy Freckles has only bit me once, but I still have a bit of a lump on my shin where he bit me. THIS HAPPENED IN MARCH! I grabbed him by his neck and threw him halfway across the yard. We haven't had any issues since

Our dog will kill a chicken, but won't touch a full grown goose BTW. The only thing you have to worry about are coons and coyotes (maybe the neighbors dog if they are stupid

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