"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Smoked duck? As in Muscovy duck? Hmmmmmmmm :drool Don't give me any ideas Terri.

 YES Julie it's the BEST!  The smoky flavor really makes a gumbo "zing"! You need to try it!

We have two smokers - a metal one for meat & a "cold smoker" made of wood that Jim built for his homemade sausages & fish & cheeses, things like that.

I'd raise some Muscovies if I had somebody else to process them - I just wouldn't have the heart to do it myself. I can chop off a mean roo's head w/no problem but ducks are too pretty and cute.

You said you wanted some scovies? :oops: :lau Is that what I heard? :gig
finally got the coop done. I'm definately no carpenter but I'm happy with the way it came out.

Nice! Looks good.
Great coop bill082764!!!

Got new Wellies in the flock,.. can't wait for their chocolate speckled eggs in the spring!

Thanks to Brandy for bringing me some organic feed to the Covington Poultry Sale this past weekend,. the flock loves it,.. and we had a nice time, didn't sell either of our bators,..but we bought an English Double Barred Lemon Cuckoo Orpington pullet from Joyce Madere [FONT=lucida grande, tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif] as a buddy to a lone hatched chick,.. [/FONT]

.The weather for the sale was great,... but so much for it starting at 10:00,.. we thought we would be there early at 9:30 but it was already in full swing! Olivia said,.. "gotta remember,..all these folks get up with the chickens",..

Anyone planning on going to the Poultry Show at the Fair in Baton Rouge? Thinking about it?
http://www.gbrsf.com/fileserver/files.ashx?t=fg&f=2012 Rabbit Poultry Show.pdf
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Hi Everyone!
I'm in NW Louisiana just east of Shreveport/ Bossier and would like to score a 50# bag of DE (not the pool stuff).
Does anyone here know where I might be able to purchase this locally?

I replaced shavings and hay bedding with sand (so much easier to keep clean) , but the ants and fleas are loving it too. They have got to go! lol,

Any info would be appreciated!

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