Lovely to be back!


Jan 30, 2021
I reach out to all chicken keepers all around this crazy world, right now. We don't know each other, we cannot meet, but we CAN share! While the world goes mad, politically and medically, we have something to ground us, and that is love. Whatever people say about caged animals, my chucks come back, every afternoon, to the shed they call safety, and they expect their human friends to feed them, and pass round the bowls of mealy worms and crushed peanuts and sunflower seeds to send them to sleep with full tummies, whilst they sleep through the frozen nights. During this bedtime routine, I can see if anybody is bullied, or off-colour, or not eating.
I suppose it is a kind of substitute for my children, who are now all in their 30s.
I have kept chickens for 10 years. We only have a small flock of rare breeds, Orpington, Shetland, and Cream Legbar. We also have two rescue cats, who are brilliant with the chucks, and don't fuss them. We have two guinea-fowl, who consider themselves part of the flock, and eat with them, but they do roost outside the shed, on the trees overhanging the pen.
Lots of love to all, Fluffy 07

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