Lower beak getting longer!


9 Years
Jan 3, 2011
I am a new member living in a village called Aspley Guise in Bedfordshire, UK, and I wonder if I could ask the advice of the other members. I have 4 rescued battery hens which I have had since August 2010. They are doing well and laying very well. In the last few days I have noticed that one of them (now named Beaky) has a lower beak which is extending well beyond the upper beak. This morning one of the chickens laid an egg which had a soft shell and I am wondering whether this could have been Beaky. They have chicken pellets with added grit, vegetable scraps etc. They have free run of the garden and are always digging and scratching around, but this has been restricted recently because of the amount of snow covering the ground. Happily the snow has now gone. Does anyone know the reason for the lower beak growth? Is it something that will right itself or should it be trimmed by a vet? Any advice would be appreciated.
Linda Bowen
you can trim the beak yourself with toe nail clippers-I do it as needed to some of my layers. watch for the quick though-like a dog toe nail-dont cut right next to it-if it looks overgrown like a fingernail-trim it back-she may be laying shelless eggs because she can't properly eat due to her beak. It will only continue to grow out if not trimmed and get worse:-(
from Ohio. If the protein in the feed is high, that can cause growth in their nails and beak. I use a dremel tool on mine.
Battery hens are "debeaked" within the first few hours of life. They cut the magority of the beak off. (like having your finger tips cut off) and in some birds upper or lower may grow back thats what causes this

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