Lowes playhouse 4x4 "My Little Playhouse" Kankakee Illinois $149!

We are currently using an adapted playhouse (that we were given - free!) as our chicken coop and so far it is working well with the modifications that we made. Ours came with three windows, two of which we covered with hardware cloth and the third which was turned into an external nest box. We added a floor, two roosts, a chicken door, and mounted two bunny feeders on the wall below the front window. Ours also had the Dutch door, but not the top portion, which we added. Our 4' X 5' X 4' coop is roomy for our 3 girls. Here's a picture of before and after:





The one downside we've found with our coop is that the bottom of the door isn't entirely flush and has small gaps. When it rains particularly hard, the shavings inside the door have a tendency to get wet. You all might want to watch for that with your coops as the photo at the Lowe's site shows the same kind of gaps in the door of this playhouse. If you all can figure out how to solve that problem, please share.
I see the price but what did they charge for shipping? I'm all the way in NJ. They have the one next to that one in the picture at my Lowes...Thanks for the help.

They shipped mine via ESTES, and the total after tax was 176 and some change... looking at raw materials up here, and estimating the bare minimum 2x2 frame, wood alone, for the cheap stuff, is about 120 bucks new... This is going by 4 sheets of siding, and two 1/2 in ply wood for the roof. Add some shingle, hinges, and time, it comes out cheaper to just buy and wait 6 months. The cheapest 1/2 in siding I found here was 26 and some change for a 4x8 sheet!!!
Ohhhhh. I'd love to see how you installed that!

Also, the roofing on the Lowes playhouse coop looks similar to what is one my coop. As you can see from our "after" picture, we had to put a layer of roofing material up there, along with a bit of mastic, because the roof cap wasn't entirely waterproof. So far, so good.
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