Lowest coop temp?

Officially we had a low of -1 F yesterday and a low of +5 F today... I know that doesn't compare to many places.... I have a thermometer out in the coop, but I didn't go check it when it was at the low.

I asked the rooster and he said when he woke up the thermometer had stopped showing numbers and read "ludicrous" yesterday and "ridiculous" today... but he and I were the only ones complaining... he has a big straight comb that he worries about and I'm just getting to the point where cold makes me hurt and feel old... but the hens haven't seemed too bothered by it.

It is interesting to read some the crazy low numbers and the differentials, in my area I worry as much about the heat in summer being hard on the birds, as I do the winter cold, and so I built the coop with that in mind, and make a couple seasonal adjustments as needed.
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I have a premier lamp with a 250 watt bulb and 150 watt flat panel heater. We were -41 this AM real temp outside (before windchill) and the coop at roost level was -15. At -20 this afternoon I got it up to 5 degrees with those two warming devices still going. Girls are on the roost and I made a second trip to de-ice water and bring down some scrambled eggs (from cracked frozen eggs.) Poor babies. Coop is 6x7 partially insulated.

Crazy train weather. We will have 30 Saturday & 34 on Sunday!!! An actual melt!
Here outside Chgo they claim Sunday will be 51 degrees seeing is believing.
But were both these temps taken with the same thermometer....or was the outside temp a weather report?
I have another on on my front porch, and that read -32..and local Weather Underground station from a neighbor also showed -32. So I'm pretty confident it was actually that low this morning. My jacket sounded like a potato chip bag...
If you keep a thermometer in your coop, what’s the lowest temp you have seen? And were your chickens ok?
It was -5 F outside this morning, coop was 20190131_053135.jpg . Chickens are OK, but wouldn't come out at 5am. 20190131_053335.jpg . I took this shot through chicken door. 20190131_053344.jpg . They came out for Scratch around 9am. GC
It was -25 (Without windchill factors!!) yesterday they haven't been out for weeks too cold and WAY too much snow! I wasn't able to check on them yesterday so I am going out now to see! Pray for my chickens!! I hope they are all ok and that their water is fine!! I m so scared but I have to do it! My grandpa was so nice as to say that he would burn them if any of them died so I wouldn't have to look at them or do it myself but I hope that isn't the case!!!! I used to live near Joliet and as a matter of fact I was born there!!!
My birds have been as cold as the outside temp is and always do fine.

I lose a bird or two when we dip below 20 every fall, again when we dip below zero and sometimes when we dip below 20 below..

I do not really mind the losses as I figure that is just nature culling the weak ones.
Last year it got as low as 8 in the coop and everyone was ok, but we are going to be in the negative temps for another 1.5 days, and I worry about the cold.
It was 4 F in the coop at 5am. -5 outside. I have a heated base for water in the coop. 20190129_091527.jpg . That's all.
I leave a window open a crack in winter. 20181104_151017.jpg .
Here are my girls at 1pm today enjoying some Scratch at top of post. GC

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