Lucky me...

Also she is pooping normally. Her skin looks "wrinkly" though. She is still losing feathers and I think she is under weight. I've up their pellet feed since I was informed that one of her flock mate was under weight(1/5). They always have feed, I don't let it get empty (before I did let it get empty at night, had them forage in the day, and fed them again in the late afternoon.) But I think she too is under weight.
As another bit of info. I had to move.. quickly from my last residence. (Crazy roommate) my sister in law (total boss) and older brother (definitely stood up for me, the roommate was family). But that was the end of July, which caused my flock to go thru an early molt in August. Then they all went thru another around October-November ish. Everyone else are flaunting their new pretty feathers but erza is still losing feathers.
Is spitting up water a normal fear response for chickens?
Chickens can't actually vomit like we can. Any water you see coming out of their mouth is overflow from the crop. I'm guessing when you picked her up you compressed her crop causing the water to come back up out her mouth. Chickens can easily inhale and choke on this fluid (no gag reflex) so you need to be careful about picking up chickens with very full crops (mostly when they are sour) and if you see any chicken "throwing up" fluid you need to keep a close eye on her and check her crop functioning.

Is her crop empty and flat first thing in the morning before she's had a chance to eat or drink? If it's still squishy that's a sign it is sour and I would treat as described here:
She is still losing feathers and I think she is under weight
Extra protein in her diet can help with regrowing feathers. Either a layer feed with 20% protein or just a few extra treats of egg, tuna, etc.

Do you think she is just molting slowly or do you think she could have depluming mites? Depluming mites cause skin irritation and chickens will often pull out their own feathers leaving bald patches (but you can't see the mites as they burrow under the skin and into the feather shafts).
I don't see her plucking herself. She just looks like a cartoon version of a chicken when she flaps her wings. Lots of feathers flying. Plus, she doesn't have any bald patches, just raggedy feathers.
Getting her poop checked. Brought her to a vet as a quarantine buddy for her flockmate. They have different symptoms. But she of course laid a giant stinker on his floor lol. Luckily he offered to just use it as a parasite check. We will see if there is anything there.
So another thing, I noticed weeks ago that she threw up water. I thought nothing of it, I startled her after she guzzler water. Had a chick do that a few times and she is perfectly healthy. But when I was checking on Erza's feet I noticed she had a waterey blob on her chest? It's more playdoughy now. But checking other hens I think that's just a full stomach? I'm worried because I saw this poop on the ground thus morning.View attachment 3388840
The vet said this might be a case of soft shell egg gone fowl. (Savor my pun!) Especially since it was a one off. She hasn't started laying yet, but her younger more spry flockmates have. She's 4 yrs old in June.

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