Lucy died, any ideas?

I really want to know if anyone has any ideas about this. I have a hen who is doing the exact same thing right now. Her comb is a pea comb, and I don't think it is black, but everything else is the same.
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Thats terrible, I hope it works out for you. My hen was only sick for about 3 days. I tired everything to get her to eat or drink, and my vet was no help. She was the first and only hen ive had to get sick so i wasnt prepared as well as i shouldve been. I still really dont know what happened to her.
Yes, disinfect the waterers by scrubbing with hot soapy water and finishing with an Oxine and water rinse, if you have it. You can also use Oxine mixed with water in a spray bottle to disinfect the rest of the premises, even misting the birds themselves. It is still not too late to do that. Oxine is great stuff, but if you don't have it or don't want to purchase it, at least use bleach. Oxine is ten times more effecive, though. My DS washes out the waterers with boiling water almost every day in the winter time; we think that helps, too. If you want to do something extra you can start the rest of the flock on Aviacharge, a good thing for them to be on through the winter, or use organic apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp per gallon, which some say is a natural antibiotic and preventative. (I wouldn't use it to treat a sick chook, though). Turmeric can be bought in bulk and is supposed to be a preventative too, but I don;t like that stuff cause it makes them sneeze and it also stains.
Just so you know, you can't mist the birds with bleach, just the Oxine. You can also put a few drops of Oxine in their drinking water, to further disinfect the water.

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