Lucy Goosey.. Well hopefully


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2015
South Alabama

We got "Lucy" two weeks ago. She is really spoiled and sweet.. Except to the chicks lol. I should mayve read more into geese before getting one but I couldn't resist. I think she is a girl, sure hope so too. I'm still new to this... So I have a few questions...
- is she ok by herself? As in the only goose we have. I did get her a little goose stuffed animal as a companion..
- when can she go outside?
- what if my older Ducks dont like her? And don't accept her?
Our goose originally started as a pair, but one of them became crazy aggressive very quickly. After countless hours with the little guy (and a few sleepless nights), his behavior only worsened. I returned that one to the feedstore a week later. The experience has left us very gun shy about getting another gosling for our remaining goose, Jupiter. She's been a solo goose for six days. If anything, she is much calmer and her personality has blossomed since she became an only child. My husband and I operate a small business from our home. He does the money earning, I keep house and occasionally help him with the website when he needs it. Basically, I'm her fulltime caregiver (mom) while my husband (dad) watches her when I need to run errands. They enjoy daily cuddle time on the couch too.

Jupiter is an indoor pet with her own bedroom near ours and a large feed/play area in our kitchen. We are starting to fall into a nice routine. I get her between 5:30am and 6am (no later than 6am) from her bin. We go downstairs to the kitchen where she eats (and poops!) for a half hour or so. I set up a napping spot with fleece and old towels next to our gas fire place in the family room. Jupiter knows already this is her spot. When she is tired, she walks straight over to her bed. She naps for about ten minutes, then wakes up to feed again. Around 11am, she takes a bath in lukewarm water set in an old baking pan. I let her bathe for a few minutes, then under much protest, I wrap her in a warm towel and sit next to the fireplace so she can get warmed up.

Yesterday was the first nice day in almost a week. We spent about fifteen minutes outside. I set up an 8 panel exercise pen around us to keep loose animals and kids from scaring her. I stay in the pen with her. We have a family of crows nesting nearby. They are agile, smarter than all get out, and WILL make off with your gosling if given half the chance. As the weather warms and she gets her feathers, she will get to spend at least 3 hours a day outside, if not more. By 6pm, dad is done working and joins us downstairs. All three of us hang out until 10pm. That's her bedtime. She has several stuffed animals that she snuggles with. I do put a small container of water and feed in her bin. When she becomes an adult, she won't have feed in her pen, but right now she's growing so fast I don't feel its right to limit those things. She sleeps on top of some old clean towels. I check in on her at midnight, replace bedding as needed, and refill food and water.

In this context, I'd say yes it is possible to raise one happy healthy gosling. There are a handful of members on this board who have done it. Thegoosemotherandfather is a great internet resource that covers this topic in depth. That said, it is a tremendous amount of work. I play the Marco Polo game with her constantly, so much so that beeping back at her has become second nature. She's not quite big enough for her diaper harness, so I spend a lot of time mopping the floor and doing laundry, about 3 loads a day. She is emotionally needy and very sensitive, a natural behavior for geese. I can leave the room for a few minutes, but any longer and she squalls for me. She is also the most rewarding companion I've ever had, more so than dogs or cats. I love her so much and couldn't imagine life without her.

If I were intending to raise her outdoors in a coop and treat her as a farm goose, I would get at least one more gosling. However, don't assume getting another one means they will get along. We got both our geese at the same time from the same store where they were in the same bin. The one returned became awful to Jupiter, causing minor injuries to her face.

Hope all this rambling helps in your decision making process. They are amazing pets in the right situation. :)
Thank you so much for all that "rambling" I enjoyed reading yours and jupiter's story!
I enjoy Lucy very much, she definitely already knows who her mama is. I unfortunately do not work from home, so 4 days out of the week she doesn't get as much time with me as i would like.. We live in south Alabama so we have spent countless hours outside and she just walks wherever I walk. Our neighbors have kids, and we have a few nieces and nephews that visit often, so she's becoming more adjusted to kids. I never knew I could buy her a diaper and that honestly excites me! Now when I told my husband, he gave me a "look"
I'm not trying to make her just a farm goose but she can't stay inside forever unfortunately. She will be spoiled just as properly outside when she gets bigger.
Jupiter is an indoor pet with her own bedroom near ours and a large feed/play area in our kitchen.  We are starting to fall into a nice routine.  I get her between 5:30am and 6am (no later than 6am) from her bin.  We go downstairs to the kitchen where she eats (and poops!) for a half hour or so.  I set up a napping spot with fleece and old towels next to our gas fire place in the family room.  Jupiter knows already this is her spot. When she is tired, she walks straight over to her bed.  She naps for about ten minutes, then wakes up to feed again.  Around 11am, she takes a bath in lukewarm water set in an old baking pan.  I let her bathe for a few minutes, then under much protest, I wrap her in a warm towel and sit next to the fireplace so she can get warmed up.

How do you get her to bath? So far Lucy has hated water!!
Lucy hates water? Maybe she'll warm up to it when she gets older. Every time Jupiter hears the sound of running water (like when I'm pouring water in her bowls), she runs to the source and gets very excited, lol. She is now trying to dive bomb in a pan with less than 3" of water. Tomorrow she'll get the bathtub, just deep enough for her to paddle. Lucy sure is a sweet little cutie of a gosling. It sounds like she's got plenty of company and loving care givers who she adores. They are so easy to fall in love with :)

Lucy is doing good! And growing fast!! We've given her her own "swimming pool" and she's adjusting to the water just fine! She loves being outside or just hang inside with us! I still hope she is a "Lucy" and not going to have to later find out he's a "Lou". I'm also curious to what kind of good she is? The feed store didn't know anything except that she was a goose. Regardless we love her and she's going to be a great guard goose very soon!!
Lucy is absolutely lovely! What a pretty girl! Sorry I can't help with her breed, I wasn't sure of my own until coming here! But, the gaggle of experts will chime in shortly I'm sure! She looks very happy and healthy! Good goose Mama!

Lucy is doing good! And growing fast!! We've given her her own "swimming pool" and she's adjusting to the water just fine! She loves being outside or just hang inside with us! I still hope she is a "Lucy" and not going to have to later find out he's a "Lou". I'm also curious to what kind of good she is? The feed store didn't know anything except that she was a goose. Regardless we love her and she's going to be a great guard goose very soon!!
Awww.....this just warms my heart. I'm so happy for your family :)
If you post more pictures I can try and tell you what kind of goose. Have you decided to raise her as an indoor or outdoor goose? If outdoor or if you cannot dedicate all your time to her please consider getting her a friend.

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