
I had a hen who lived to be nearly fourteen. She had a hard tumor over her eye, but it was slow growing. I suspect it was associated with lymphoid leucosis which is in my flock.

The tumor gave her no trouble until the last few months of her life when it appeared it was spreading to her brain, giving her chronic wry neck. Finally, I had to euthanize her when she could no longer function.

If those lumps are hard and they seem to be firmly rooted in place, they are tumors. We can't know if they are malignant. But since they are growing so fast, they probably are. You will know if she begins to suffer balance issues, leg weakness, confusion, problems finding her food and roosting. Then you may want to consider euthanizing her.
I will have to do some more research on lymphoid leucosis. But is this something that is going to affect my whole flock? Will it ever go away? Can I hatch new chickens or bring new chickens in or will they all be affected as well?
The tumors do not tell us she has lymphoid leucosis. There are other causes of tumors. They can be squamous skin cancer for all we know. That would be unrelated to an avian virus.

It is very important to have a plan to get a necropsy for her when she dies so you will know if this is from a virus that will affect your whole flock.

Flocks can live normal lives with the leucosis virus because most chickens do develop resistance to LL. If your flock does carry LL, you will probably not want to hatch chicks from within your flock. The mortality is very high for chicks hatched from hens who carry the virus. Bringing in baby chicks from an outside source is very doable. Those chicks will have a high probability of developing resistance and live normal lives.
Okay, thank you so much.

When she does pass I will get a necropsy and share the photos here.
Canada. I only have a list of US state labs. Your best bet is to locate your nearest university extension office that deals with agriculture. They will tell your where the nearest animal testing lab is. Call those people and they can instruct you how to get the "specimen" to them. Have this all arranged prior to her death.

With one of my chickens, I knew she was going to die very soon, so I drove her to the lab, a two hour drive, and they euthanized her for me. By the time I had driven back home, they had done the necropsy and e-mailed the report. Later, they mailed me photos and the written report.
Canada. I only have a list of US state labs. Your best bet is to locate your nearest university extension office that deals with agriculture. They will tell your where the nearest animal testing lab is. Call those people and they can instruct you how to get the "specimen" to them. Have this all arranged prior to her death.

With one of my chickens, I knew she was going to die very soon, so I drove her to the lab, a two hour drive, and they euthanized her for me. By the time I had driven back home, they had done the necropsy and e-mailed the report. Later, they mailed me photos and the written report.
Hi there. I am having similar issues with a 3 month old pullet. She has had mild respiratory issues for about a week. Two days ago, I found a smaller, hard mass on the left side of her neck. Not her crop and nowhere near her breast. It is situated on her lower left neck (boney area) and causes her to keep her neck positioned away from that side. She is still eating and drinking on her own. Today, she is suddenly having balance issues, weakness and can’t hold herself up. Where would I go in Charleston, SC to have her tested if she passes? Thank you for your help.
Are you near Columbia? Your state lab is located there. Here's a map.!8m2!3d34.1135827!4d-80.8478579

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