Lupus nephritis

@dunnmom, thanks. @sumi and @drumstick diva, she's considerably better. IV antivirals have been stopped and her appetite is improving. Still has some mobility/balance problems and partial deafness in her left ear, but things are getting better. This is a kid who can't sit still and 'vegetate'. Being sick is driving her nuts, but she's dealing with it. Thanks for asking.
Well, I wish things were better. Jen has lost all hearing in her left ear and still has some mobility issues. The Lupus meds have affected her thought/memory processes and she was asked to not return to college this semester. So she now has no school, no job and no improvement in her health issues. :barnie
I'm so sorry to hear her condition has deteriorated.

I didn't read all 16 pages, just part of it... but have you explored the gut biome in relation to autoimmune issues? Science can't prove it--just yet-- but more and more health research points to the gut bacteria being major drivers of all sorts of autoimmune issues.
I'm not certain. As grand parents our input is somewhat limited. Her primary care specialist is a department head in one of the Baltimore hospitals so I hope this has been considered. Her medical condition coupled with the fact that she is an adopted Asian child in a Caucasian family is making life tough for her. The fact that her sister is 'near genius' level just adds to the mess. I can't help, and it tears me up.
I'm not certain. As grand parents our input is somewhat limited. Her primary care specialist is a department head in one of the Baltimore hospitals so I hope this has been considered. Her medical condition coupled with the fact that she is an adopted Asian child in a Caucasian family is making life tough for her. The fact that her sister is 'near genius' level just adds to the mess. I can't help, and it tears me up.
Sorry to hear this. Lupus is a pretty complex disease, and I do hope all avenues and possibilities have been considered. I can't say by any means that dietary changes, or even something more drastic such as a mucrobiome 'transplant' would help but perhaps it's worth inquiring about. Even a small improvement would be amazing!:hugs

My younger brother (the one I call 'the Ubergeek') was 'asked not to return' to the school of his choice, too. He went to a community college, earned a degree there, and found a job. Eventually he did return to Duke, where he finally earned his degree in computer engineering. As frustrating, disappointing and humiliating as it feels at this time, I pray that this is only a speed bump.:hugs

Being a full-time student is really tough. Maybe a lighter course load would be more manageable?
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