Lyonnaise Chickens

I'm considering adding a few of these to my flock. Since I live in the northeast, I think they'd be part of the "greenhouse flock" rather than the fully outdoor flock (and rather than our "house chicken" Tiberius). Any new experiences with them?
I recently purchased 11 Lyonnaise chicks through Greenfire Farm, and have yet to find much real discussion about these birds. So far, mine are calmer than my other chicks, LOVE the big, pretty eyes, and half of them are frizzled. Not my favorite (frizzles) but willing to work with them. :) Does anyone else have these?

I have 2 lyonnaise chickens. I am trying to increase their numbers. I have a rooster and I believe the other is a pullet. No eggs yet, but all signs read pullet. The pullet has hurt her leg doing normal chicken things I am guessing. I am looking for another female or more in case.

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