Made a killing cone yesterday and did my 2nd-ever butcher today

I can't believe how much difference using a cone makes, personally. We just improvised one from thick cardboard, it's so much nice to keep all the flopping and flapping contained.
This is the processing station I made from a metal yard swing frame with a 2X6 bolted across the top. I put cones made from 3 different materials on it, just to see which kind I would like best. They really all work about the same, but some are better for larger birds because they're bigger. There are hooks between the cones from which I can hang the birds after they're scalded in order to have both hands free for plucking.




I think it was the chickens who put that BEEF bumper sticker up there...
road cones work great.

easier than hanging them (well, if you've got the space for it, and are able to build), is building a saw horse with to horizontal runners spaced the width of widest part of the cone. this way, you can place several cones, place in several chickens, and just go down the line. this way, as your scalding and plucking the first one, the others are still draining.

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