Made my own CO2 System!

Made my own DIY CO2 system for my planted aquarium using yeast, sugar water, airtubing, and voss bottles! YES!

Awesome.... I have had aquariums most my life but never tried a planted aquaiurm except for with sacrificial plants.

I have seen some awesome ones on YouTuibe. and I have a 110 waiting for a job. Providing I dont stock it with Tilapia.

How do you deliver it?
I run a airstone into a prefilter sponge, that way the bubbles stay trapped a lot longer for exchange. I have good flow on my tank so I'm not worried there. :)

Ah... Carbon dioxide is heavier than air and you can keep it in an open bucket just put the air pump inside to deliver it to the aquarium.

You can use a plain old air filled balloon to check the CO2 level as well. It will float on top. That way you can test your CO2 production levels.

I imagine you could also do this with dry ice...

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Ah...  Carbon dioxide is heavier than air and you can keep it in an open bucket just put the air pump inside to deliver it to the aquarium.

You can use a plain old air filled balloon to check the CO2 level as well.  It will float on top.  That way you can test your CO2 production levels.

I imagine you could also do this with dry ice...:pop

I have yeast sugar slurry in one bottle, the natural co2 pressure build up forces it through the airline hose-stone-sponge. No compressor necessary: ) dry ice would burn too fast I imagine. I redo my yeast once a week. I also keep a co2 dropper to measure levels in the water so I don't gas my shrimp
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