Magical chicken place RP

Tinky opened the lid and sniffed. "Magic!" She said in excitement. Magic always has a distinct smell. "I am going to show this to Lolly, my sister, when I next see her." She tucks the bottle into her belt. "Now, I wanted to ask you, what is it like to fly?"
"Do you have any ideas on raising the Royal dragon?" Belle asked. "You see, we have this egg, and I don't know the first thing on Royals, so do you or your father know what to do? Also, I came to give you this invitation to a ball/feast. This is a thank you for me having wasted your time in asking silly questions."
"Do you have any ideas on raising the Royal dragon?" Belle asked. "You see, we have this egg, and I don't know the first thing on Royals, so do you or your father know what to do? Also, I came to give you this invitation to a ball/feast. This is a thank you for me having wasted your time in asking silly questions."
"Oh, Thankyou!" Said Daisy taking the invitation. "You really have a royal dragon?" she said in disbelive. "Those whent extinted years ago! Dad!" a bigger version of Dasiy came butsling in.

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