Magical mystery hatch along


These are yesterday chicks !
We had about 16 hatch and they are still hatching. We did lose one #15 Flo/ Floyd :hit he pecked a hole but never finish hatching. We have been at church this morning so I don't know what we will be coming home to. Will update later.
It happens, it's so sad, but it's part of life. :hugs

That's wonderful on the 16 that have hatched! Stay focused on the positives! Chicken keeping is so wonderful, but also comes with challenges.
Omg you don't know how sweet this is. The first ever chick to ever hatch on my property looked just like that when she was first out of the egg (when she dried up some patterning showed up, but she was still mostly yellow). She pipped earlier than the rest, and had me worried through the night. I would talk to her to make sure she had some encouragement so she could hatch (even though at the begin of my hatching journey I said I wouldn't). Her name was Heartbreak-her. I lost her quite recently. Here she is when she first moved to her brooder, not looking exactly the same as your chick, but when she was wet she was identicalView attachment 3762519
Aww how sweet! But, sad you lost her. 😢

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