Magpie Drake introduction assistance please ????

Ms Delyla Quack

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 17, 2013
Hi... Can anyone help me learn how to introduce a drake, which I will be getting in a few days, to my little flock?
I have one female Magpie and 4 chickens, who are all buddies. I am wanting to have a drake in with them, to breed with the female, and have him as a pet too, as the others are. I am assuming that he should be separate from 'the girls' for a few days (at least) where they can all see each other, get used to one another, before I let them in with each other....??? Anything other tips???
If it were me, after the quarantine I would introduce the Magpie hen to him and allow them to form a pair bond before introducing him to the chicken hens.

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