(Sorry - I listed this earlier under 'hatching chicken eggs - buy sell trade' and it should have been here instead.)
I'm on Whidbey Island (WA) and am looking for homes for my Magpie ducks and ducklings (I'm hoping to concentrate more on my Runners). Below are pics of five of my Magpie ducklings hatched one week ago; three Magpie/Runner mixed ducklings (now 1 1/2 weeks old); and my Magpie pair. Joey, the Magpie drake, came from Holderread Farms last Fall, and was deemed (breeder/show quality). I'd rather not ship, but if you are in Washington State and would like to provide a new home to any of the ducks below, I would be happy to meet you halfway by car. I'm rather fond of Gracie, my adult Magpie duck, so if someone wanted only the drake (pictured with solid black cap) that would be fine too. He is just a little too amorous for my small flock.
The Magpie ducklings
The Magpie/Indian Runner mixes
Magpie pair
I'm on Whidbey Island (WA) and am looking for homes for my Magpie ducks and ducklings (I'm hoping to concentrate more on my Runners). Below are pics of five of my Magpie ducklings hatched one week ago; three Magpie/Runner mixed ducklings (now 1 1/2 weeks old); and my Magpie pair. Joey, the Magpie drake, came from Holderread Farms last Fall, and was deemed (breeder/show quality). I'd rather not ship, but if you are in Washington State and would like to provide a new home to any of the ducks below, I would be happy to meet you halfway by car. I'm rather fond of Gracie, my adult Magpie duck, so if someone wanted only the drake (pictured with solid black cap) that would be fine too. He is just a little too amorous for my small flock.
The Magpie ducklings
The Magpie/Indian Runner mixes
Magpie pair
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