Magpie Ducks seek new home in WA State


15 Years
May 20, 2009
Whidbey Island
(Sorry - I listed this earlier under 'hatching chicken eggs - buy sell trade' and it should have been here instead.)

I'm on Whidbey Island (WA) and am looking for homes for my Magpie ducks and ducklings (I'm hoping to concentrate more on my Runners). Below are pics of five of my Magpie ducklings hatched one week ago; three Magpie/Runner mixed ducklings (now 1 1/2 weeks old); and my Magpie pair. Joey, the Magpie drake, came from Holderread Farms last Fall, and was deemed (breeder/show quality). I'd rather not ship, but if you are in Washington State and would like to provide a new home to any of the ducks below, I would be happy to meet you halfway by car. I'm rather fond of Gracie, my adult Magpie duck, so if someone wanted only the drake (pictured with solid black cap) that would be fine too. He is just a little too amorous for my small flock.

The Magpie ducklings



The Magpie/Indian Runner mixes



Magpie pair

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I'm happy to give them free to a 'loving' home (though I know it's not like puppies and kittens, as they do eventually live outside and get exposed to all kinds of unexpected dangers in spite of our best efforts). I was thinking I needed to make a trip to the Aplets and Cotlets place just over the mountains, so if you are interested I could maybe work that into a trip over the pass.
awww, i meant for my aunt.
she lives in port orchard and has been wanting ducks for a while. she has two beautiful ponds they made surrounded with a bamboo grove, just lovely. i will email her and see if she is interested.
Wow - that would be lovely. Just let me know. Gracie, the Magpie duck, is a pretty prolific layer and I was quite surprised when she decided to sit on the eggs she laid (which I hadn't picked up for several days). She was a bit confused as a new mother though and my Runner, who already had six of her own, took over for the first few days. But, now they both share the brood of 13. It's pretty cute when I tuck them all in at night.
hey lorraine and mamanaturale
i also live in port orchard and if aunty didnt want the hen and drake i would love to take them! out of my 21 ducks i only have 1 layer lol
all the others are still to young:he
lorraine. i spoke with my aunt this am. she said to let you know that she would love to take a few of them, but probably not all. She wants to get her garden and ponds fenced in first though. so if you do not mind holding the runner crosses (thats her fave) for a little bit she would love them. but it is fine if you find them a home first.
mamanaturale and steemers

Looks like this is all working out.

I'm happy to hold the runner crosses for mamanaturale's aunt. For about how long? I'll be on vacation from June 24th until July 10th so delivery would have to be either before or after that. If it's before, maybe I could deliver the adult Magpie pair to 'Streemers' at the same time, otherwise I don't mind making a separate trip in Mid-July sometime (the runners will be at that awkward, young adult stage then - but probably still pretty cute.)

There were one or two of the magpie ducklings I was tempted to hang on to for a bit and I'm thinking that our 'poultry expert' at our local feed store might have a taker for the rest of the magpie ducklings so this could be good.

(I'll be off running errands for a bit, so if I don't respond any more for the next few hours that's why.)

hey if a double drop off would work that would be wonderful! i am ready to take them any time i will email you with my address and phone number. thanks again

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