Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Well I have 19 out of 24 that hatched so far with one zipping and one pipped still. I am not home but that's what hubby said. I have been in the Pediatric floor of the hospital all weekend with my 9 year old who was accidently shot with a bb gun. It went through his abdomen, then through the stomach and intestine. He had to have surgery around midnight Fri and he is recovering now and doing good. What a weekend!! Should be here a few more days. My poor boy!

So sorry to hear this! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
27 out of 73 eggs so far in one incubator i have 5 pips in the second incubator i have a few pips but that incubator just started to hatch today so i look to be hatching well into tuesday. i have one that is completely silver all eggs are silkies for some reason silkies hatch slowly
My hatch was over last yesterday afternoon. The last egg was a late quitter with no internal pip. Hatched 11 out of 15 shipped eggs. Hatched 11 of 12 that went to lockdown. I knew one was a goner then, so really 12. I left the quitter in just to be sure.

Pictures of the Chicks"

I think you can see a part of all of them here. EO Marraduna Basque Hens

What a Character ! Poses for a picture at one day old

This is a picture of them hanging out under the Ecoglow 20
That second picture! Cutest baby hatch along picture contest..hurry!
Well I have 19 out of 24 that hatched so far with one zipping and one pipped still. I am not home but that's what hubby said. I have been in the Pediatric floor of the hospital all weekend with my 9 year old who was accidently shot with a bb gun. It went through his abdomen, then through the stomach and intestine. He had to have surgery around midnight Fri and he is recovering now and doing good. What a weekend!! Should be here a few more days. My poor boy!

Sorry about your son. Wishing him a speedy recovery.
Well, I woke up to the sound of more chicks than the two which had made it out of their shells last night. "Cool!" I thought and made my cup of coffee, then meandered around the house as I do on the weekends, until the coffee kicks in.

When I entered the "office/guest/Nursery/Incubation" room, I was startled to see two incubators absolutely FULL of chicks. But no peeping! AUGGGHHHH!

Oh. Well. They were just asleep. But there wasn't a bit of space left inside the incubators - chicks jammed against each other, their shells, and the non-hatched eggs.

I pulled three chicks out of the Brinsea MiniAdvance EX, leaving three wet ones and a whole egg. I pulled TEN chicks - including the two who hatched last night - out of one of the two Brinsea Octagon20 Advance EX incubators. No wet chicks left behind.

THIRTEEN chicks out of 46 and I'm pretty sure they're not done yet.

So far, 3 Icelandic chicks, 3 Iowa Blue/Ameraucana mix chicks, and a whole bunch o' EEs.
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Thank you!
I have accepted one prize, and if I win anything else, I will defer the prize to another.

I was joking because I think you deserve it. I'm pretty sure there isn't anyone who can beat it, but maybe there will be. I really do think you are blessed with sheer cuteness. I have my first crooked beak and it could win the ugliest chick prize.
I had 2 ducklings hatch, and have 7 more with pips. I told them they need to hurry, as there are turkey eggs waiting to go into the incubator, but they don't seem to care.
Ok, is it normal for chicks to sleep on their side? Cuz the 3 I pulled from the bator seemed unusually exhausted but I just chalked it up to hatching exhuastion. But one hatched last night and its still seems really tired. All 3 seem to sleep on their sides. There is food and water in the brooder. I thought one was dead cuz it was on its side and its legs kinda stretched out. But when I touched it it jumped up and started screaming at me. The heat is a little over 95 because the temps fluctuate alot in my basement. But brooder is huge so they can easily get away from the heat. So..please calm my nerves and tell me that they are fine.
This used to scare me too. I would watch looking carefully for a sign of life and give a poke for a reaction if necessary. They don't give up the position, thru adolesence and into adult hood. Silly girls.

Ok, caught up. So now I can update you rather than panic and ask questions.

First and foremost, I decree KathyinMo should not be allowed to enter cute related contests. How can anyone compete with her amazingly adorable Emu's. And the egg art??? Wow. And now this chick in the egg...There must be a cuteness fairy that blesses Kathy with utter cuteness. I set the chick in the egg as my background because just looking at it makes me smile.

Now...on to my hatch.

I have 3 EE, 1 blue polish, 1 silver laced polish and 1 unknown polish from Bhep.
3 mystery eggs from CrazyPetLady
2 Light Brahmas from Gabbard Farms.

I pulled some shells out and added water to the LG and candled some eggs. 2 Seramas quit about Day 15, didn't candle any others but I'm prety sure they are gone. Nothing from any quail. Looks like my silver spangled hamburg is dead, but one of the local eggs chriped at me. So the bator is closed, humidity is back up. (LG's are the worst for humidity!)

STILL NOTHING from the hovabator (with the insane heat spikes) however, its channels were dry and I decided to candle and first egg I grabbed had an internal pip and I saw the beak in the air sac. So its closed and waiting too.

Good luck everyone, don't give up hope yet.

Go Hovabator chickies!!!!

x 1000

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