Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

Humidity in the 1588 was running below 30 so I added some water, but it shot it up to the high 40s. I opened the vent.. .it will be back down to 30+ in the morning.

If I average the three I figure I'm running just under 99.5 and my humidity at time of photo was right around 45.


I hope the Brinsea is accurate.

400 hours to go...

I hope my humidity in the 1588 is an average of the three readings I'm getting with my inside probes.... as well at the temps.

One say 100, the other says 99.3, the other says 98.9... I hope they are in the ballpark.

One says 43%, the other says 38% and the other says 41% so they are all clsoe.

The Brinsea has fluctuated between 99.4 and 99.7 degress
And humidity from 35 to 40%
Well upon advise from some great hatchers here, I'm lowering my humidity to 30% in the Brinsea and I'll keep it around 30% in the Hovabator also.

My previous hatches left lots of dead fully developed chicks. (But I also did get way more pullets than roos.... hmmm)

Hope this will improve my odds.
I have 5 thermometers, (3 digital and 2 dial) in the hovabator... A few nights ago, I showed a HUGE spike on 2 of the digitals on the min/Max reading. Now, I check these things like every 2 hours when I'm home, right before bed and first thing in the morning....Its been consistently reading within the norms, around 99.2-100.8. But when I checked the min/max, I was amazed to find that huge spike (120-121!) on 2 of them and oddly, one of the humidity said max was 99 percent! Huh? Theres not enough water in there to get over 55 percent (I try to keep around the 42-46 range) so I'm hoping (and hoping) this was a fluke of (two
) thermometers. Its been fine since then, hope they if a spike did occur it was only for a minute.
mahroni, after reading that other thread, I too have decided it's better to go dry than be too went and drown them. I can always up it more during the hatch if they appear too sticky. I think my hatch is due a few days before yours so I'll let you know how it goes!
Oh my gosh, I WANT TO CANDLE SOOOOO BAD!! I want to hold out until at least Friday, or maybe Saturday though! I will be strong. I will be strong. I will be strong....

It doesn't help that until my new bator gets here, I am turning by hand...handling those eggs three times a day is a killer on the will power!!

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