Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

Dread is correct...


First results of shipped Eggs.


18 Black Copper Marans from Melissa (pasofinofarm) shipped from TX to AZ,

16 OK after candling.. the 2 non developers looked identical, so we were thinking the roo didn't like that pullet!

14 BW/W Ameraucanas from Jean (Pips and Peeps) shipped from Eastern WA to AZ,

9 OK after candling... of the 5 non-developers... two had blood rings and the other three were probably scrambled.

I'll be back with more results. I know it's only 9.25 days since they were set, but that's close enough to 10 for me. We won't mess with them again until just before lock-down on the 29th.
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We didn't do the candling of our own eggs systematically and eggs got thrown away before I could document which ones were clear or non-developing.

Of the 67 original eggs set, I still have 54 in the two bators.

Of the 67 original eggs, 32 were shipped and 35 were my own.

Of the 13 clear or non-developed, 7 were shipped eggs, 6 were my own.

Of the 54 remaining, 25 are from shipped eggs, 29 are my own.

Is it all clear as mud?

Now I have to figure out what is remaining in the bators from what I originally set.

That's 29 I have to figure out.
well, i candled my GSL/polish eggs... im not sure my roo is doing his job.... i just pulled 13 clears.... i still have 7 in there but the others ( and yup i opened em) are clear... GRRRR 7 are iffy im not sure so i will recandle on next saturday and see.. or i may wait till day 18... idk.. darn it! lol i have 17 GSL and only one roo lol guess i better get another roo or 2!
ok here goes my candling results

67 shipped eggs to georgia

21 eggs from maryland
12 black ameraucana-no developement(these were test eggs)we discovered the rooster had a medical condition during collection time
4 wellie/ameraucana-no developement(these were test eggs)same as above
5 salmon faverolles-5 good

30 eggs from florida
8 blue/wheaten ameraucan-4 good/4 blood rings
22 blue rocks /blue sex-links-17 good/2 clears/3 quitters

16 eggs from florida
4 giants-4 good
4 EE-3 good/1 quitter
4 blue x-4 good
2 frizzles-2 good
2 bcm-1 good/1 clear

day 1-67 eggs
day 9-40 eggs
day 18-?

will update soon!!
Okay,,did the "deed",,of the 12 French Black Copper Marans,,,5 are dark,but one of those was waxed because it was cracked on arrival
,,of the 33 cuckoo Marans eggs,,4 were clear,,29 nice and dark
,,of the 18 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes,,9 Clear, 9 nice and dark

Black Coppers and Cuckoo Marans eggs came from mulelady (Joy Bettis)in Georgia,,had excellent results with her cuckoo eggs this August,seems her roos are still beating the path hard,,,I have not had a better than 50% hatch rate from any eggs coming out of Georgia,,to Illinois,,except from Joys Cuckoo Marans
The Blue Wyandottes came from Susanne Osio from New York State,,from an auction here on BYC,,much better results than I ever expected from coming out of that Armageddon of a US Postal force.They see "Fragile,Hatching Eggs" on a box,I think they decide to play frisbee or soccer with it first to check for weak spots in the box construction,,twinks!!
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30 eggs in incubator. I got these out of Mississippi but
drove and picked them up myself.
Candled this morning and out of the 30 had 7 clear
and so far all the others look to be developing good.
Good luck to everyone on their hatch.
Wow... from the other results, I'm feeling pretty good... and I must say that the W/BW Ameraucanas from Jean were indeed test eggs but I really think that the post office scrambled 3 of them... 2 were just regular looking eggs so there could be lots of reasons for non development.

I guess we just have to expect that we are going to be pulling out some eggs.

I was disappointed that I had to toss both of my Bearded Buff Laced Polish eggs.... not fertile. I watched the roo with her and figured they'd be good, but no.

Also only had one BW/Salmon Fav that was a keeper... that should be a beautiful Easter Egger... praying it's a pullet!!!

I also know that I have to face facts that out of the 54 keepers I should only hope for 20 to hatch... it's just the nature of the game around my place.

I also think that perhaps my 1588 is a tad low on temp.

Next hatch I'm going to try and raise it a half a degree before I put eggs in.
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I candled mine yesterday... all 13 appear to be fertile and no blood rings. I also have 25 from the same chickens set 3 days earlier and had no clears and one with a blood ring in that batch. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. All of them are mutts that I got from a friend locally.
Be careful candling.
I cracked one and had to use wax to repair the shell.
It was one of my 22 MFD due to hatch on Christmas. Five out of 10 Light Sussex look viable, one not nearly as developed as the others but I saw movement. They are my New Year's hatch.

Hopefully on Wed or Thurs I'll be setting 6 Ameraucanas from an eBay contact. They are replacement eggs for five of my batch of Light Brahma eggs that were broken in shipping. I also bought 6 BLRWs from Janie Marie and I will be setting those as well this week. Her birds are gorgeous!

Lastly, I promise, that is it for the winter. Stick a fork in me. I am DONE. I have no more room for chicks. I will spend the rest of the winter raising them, trying to determine gender, and who stays and who goes. I am ready to have peace and quiet in my office, except for the chirping, of course! 22 MFD's won't chirp much, right?
My wife hopes this is my last hatch of the year.

I imagine that I'll do at least one more hatch of my W/BW Ameraucanas in February or March.

I've just got to move some of the other girls elsewhere to make room for the W/BW Ameraucanas.

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