Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

So they dont need to be put on there side then I take it?
Also if your not suppose to open the bator for the lock down period how is one to keep the humidity at 65% with out opening to add water???
and for me
16 silkies shipped from TX, to ,OR all clear and removed
6 of my own who knows eggs lol .... 2 blood rings 1 I thought was done and cracked and wasnt......... so 3 left still kickin!!!!!
NO don't open the incubator. Really they will have serious issues. Do you have a vent plug on top. If so that is where you add water. I use the flexible blue tubing (in the aquarium section of pet stores) Then I add warm water through a syringe into the tubing and aim it where I want it to go. Don't get the water on the eggs though.

In cartons...pointy side down.
LOP333,,all egs that I candled tonight that will hatch friday are laying on their sides,just as if they were under a hen setting on them,,my humidity control is automatic with a pump and sensor,once it gets below the set rh level,the pump starts pumping water into the sponges in the water tray,,,and stops when the rh level is 1% under the preset,,use a small rubber hose with a syringe attached to it,and stick the hose thru one of the top vent holes to add water,,one hole should be partially open anyway,,,you just don;t want to take the lid off all the time from now on,,it helps if you have a glass door or window to see whats going on inside,so the lid or door isn't opened causing the temps and rh levels to drop all the time.
Interesting to see all of the different candling results.

Well folks, we are down to the last 50 hours.

I'm guessing my first pip will be on the 31st at about 9PM in the Brinsea.

I think that the 1588 will be late and I won't see any hatch until afternoon on the 1st.

Let's see how good I am in my prognostication!
Well, I opened the bator to candle the Silkies (they are on day 8) and picked up the duck egg to candle one last time before tomorrows lockdown. It's pipped! I ran it up to the hatcher real quick.......which happens to be on because I have a maran on day 24 who has not decided to hatch yet. I candled him earlier and he's active still, so now there's 2 in the hatcher. lol I hope ducky is ok though because humidity in the bator is only 40%

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