Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

I predict my first will hatch at exactly 12:01 a.m. January 1st. At least that is what I am planning to report.
I am jumping in here... I set 12 jersey giant eggs on Dec 11th in my 1588 Hovabator. So I am expecting a New Years hatch as well. i have never done this before and the wait is killing me!! I am just following the directions on the bator and not messing with anything. I candled a few eggs and they all look good but I don't really know what I am talking about... at least they looked like there was something dark in them and not like the eggs in the fridge

I am so excited but I don't know what is going to happen... It makes me nervous!!!

When should I expect the first pip? On New Year's Day?
Well I'm officially in lock down...ugg, this is stressful
I candled quickly and frankly I only saw movement in one but maybe the other kids were sleeping
Ended up setting the 8, other 2 I tossed. So we shall see. Oh, going to be running humidity at 55-58 or there abouts. Good Luck everyone, cant wait to hear everyones progress on Friday!
Have you had success with your humidity in that range?

I don't want to drown mine, but hope it's slick enough en there for them to manuever around. Mine have lots to breat with in their air cell!
Have you had success with your humidity in that range?

I don't want to drown mine, but hope it's slick enough en there for them to manuever around. Mine have lots to breat with in their air cell!

Well, trying to hold on to the "semi-dry" hatch this time, in previous hatches I have kept it higher (throughout and at lockdown) but just had disappointing hatches...Now granted, that may be partially due to that the last year or so I've mainly dealt with shipped eggs but who knows. Just trial and error I guess, and I researched different hatching methods in relation to the actual humidity under natural circumstances (broody hen) etc etc. (My next goal is to track the humidity levels myself under a broody but I guess I need a broody first
So I guess we'll see how it pans out, if this hatch doesnt work out I'm heading to Trader Joes to try a full dry incubation test.....oh, and remind DBF that my birthday is approaching and that Brinsea 20 advance would look nice with my name on it
Well, my humidity pump on the Brinsea was turning but it wasn't getting H2O into the bator. When I woke up an hour ago it was down to 59% so I got a tube, put it through a vent and put hot water onto a sponge I put in there in one of the empty carton spaces. Back up to 64% now and I'm hoping it will hold. I guess I've got to figure out why the pump isn't working.

During days 1-18, if the humidity got below 30% it turned on and knocked it right back up. Who knows how long the pump had been turning. I wonder if I need to make the hose shorter in the middle area.?

On one hygrometer in the 1588 it says 70%. On the other it says 58%. I hate not knowing which one to believe. O have another one that I trust, but I'm NOT opening the bator at this point.

Temp has come up a little on one of the three thermometers. The three read 100, 99.7 and 98.9, so I should be in the ball park. The one that says 98.9 is also the one that says it's 70% humidity.

After work I'm going to write my gals their year end checks, come back and check my bators and then take DW to Avatar 3D and out to eat at the CheeseCake Factory. Then I'll get the brooder set up and ready to go with yet, another thermometer. Then tomorrow we deep clean the office and I go to U-Haul to buy my big brooder box for when they go out onto the back porch.

It's a lot of work isn't it?

Last two times I hatched W/BW Ameraucanas, I got all pullets. I'm hoping for the same!!!

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