Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

Don't give up hope shadowpaints. He'll figure it out eventually and you'll have a nice surprise in your bator soon, I'm sure.
Why is it that when I can open the bator, I am really good about leaving it alone and keeping out... now, on lockdown, I am dying to open it up and handle the eggs... It is killing me!!!
Well, last patient of the year has spit in the bowl and I'm done till Monday.

Now it's time to prepare a Sunday School Lesson, go to a movie, out to dinner, rest relax and STARE AT MY BATORS

I told my wife I was bringing home the brooder box for the kitchen and she just rolled her eyes.

We'll have all the neighborhood kids in our family room watching this one... it's why I timed it when I did.

Should be fun.
What a wonderful thing to do Mahonri! The kids are going to love watching. They always hatch out quail here at the fair and it is hard to get a peek with all the children gathered around. How fun.
It is a good thing that you are done with patients for the week because you won't be getting alot of rest. I am guessing you will be up in the night looking and STARING AT THE INCUBATOR! Hint--buy extra batteries for your flashlight when you are out. My good one went kaput! Had to drag out the old yukky flashlight but it works.

Well, I have 1 buckeye out, 1 zipping and 1 pipping. 3 Marans pipped. The other bator had the eggs set 1/2 a day later so I guess no action there til tomorrow.

Good luck everybody!

Dinahmoe do you have any out?
Not to hijack the thread but to let you feel better about the dry hatch Mahonri, so far out of 17 ready to go I have 2 out and 7 more pips. Waiting on the other 8 but it is still early.

Yours will do great and I would love play by play updates!
not yet.that 1 pipped about 10:30 this am and another pipped about 1pm but they are still in there.there beak pokes thru every once in a while.the temp and humidty hasn't changed.waiting,waiting,waiting.i think i will fix a pot of coffee.

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