Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

Oh Mahonri,,,,where are you???? I'm getting worried too.....Please be okay... I'm staring at my hatch to be every day about 20 times a day.....Talking, singing to them..... Relax breathe, I'm not getting in the humidity issue, I just know that I want you to have a happy Hatch......Keep up the faith..... Don't give up hope and faith....

I said a little prayer all day long over this hatch.....As I cleaned poop in the yard, as I did am chores and pm chores......As I said my prayers, I said quietly "Lord bless Mahonri......."

Dear Hubby overheard me and he proceeded to run to the house like a marathoner and brought me some orange juice as he knows I have blood sugar issues.....LOL

I said how will that help Mahonri,,,,,, He said drink up if you're hungry....I just said thank you dear

Soooo Mahonri,,,,,here's an OJ to you and happy hatching!
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I have been waiting for your updates Cloverleaf farm :). We have to be patient, it is not quite New Years is it?
4:30PM update:

So at 1:45PM a patient called and said he had a broken front tooth, that he was going to a party with hundreds of people tonight and would I please come to the office and fix his tooth.

I got back about 4PM but then I had to go out and feed, water and gather eggs. 18 eggs today (mostly blue) and there were still a couple of girls in nest boxes.

Now for the update:
HATCHED!- Pip #1... FBCM (Melissa/1588)at about 6:00AM... starting to zip 12:51PM... halfway zipped at 1:15PM, Hatched at 1:30PM . This one HAS to be a cockeral, "Pierre"

Only the right foot is deformed... with its toes curled... anything I can do for that? He's running around the bator like a crazy roo! so no changes

HATCHED!- Pip #2... FBCM (Melissa/1588) at about 6:30AM... zipping. First to hatch at Noon, just starting day 21. ... name changed to "Pierina"

FINALLY jumped out of the egg at about 4:15PM... had a big poop in the bottom of it!

Both are nice and fluffy and cuddling each other... But, Pierre is HUGE! Both have white fluff on their bellies.

Pip #3... BW X BW (coop#1/1588)at about 12:10PM... nice pip! We have a 25% chance of a splash with this one!

No change. pip has not gotten any larger, egg is not moving. I worry that maybe when the humidity when up with the others hatching it drowned????

Pip #4... BW X BW (coop#1/1588) at about 1:10PM... bigger pip than #3--- they are right next to each other and next to Pierina.

No change.. pip is still the same size.

Pip #5... GCM X Delaware (coop#2/Brinsea) at about 3:30PM... decent sized pip.

Pip #6... BW X BW (coop #1/1588) at about 4:45PM

Pip #7.. BW X W/WB (Jean 6/ 1588) at about 4:45PM

One BW X W in the Brinsea is rocking, but no pip yet

So far I have two French, Black Copper Marans and I believe that I have one of each, cockeral and a pullet.

40 left to pip! It could be a very long weekend.
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