Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

Hi Mahonri,

I wanted to post and let you know what is going on with my last hatch of Marans and Ameracaunas. I had 3 of 6 pip of the Marans and 0 pips of the 3 Ameracaunas.

One Marans zipped but did not hatch out and I have waited all day. From my own personal experience once one hatches the rest are usually close to ready or ready.

So I went in. I am helping out the Marans tonight. All 6 were alive. Even though 3 did not pip they had pipped internally. They are resting before the next stage of help (so they don't bleed to death) (sorry to be so graphic)

All three Ameracaunas died. I am not sure, but I honestly think they drowned. The shells on them are hard and I don't think enough fluid evaporated even though I did the dry hatch. And humidity at lockdown in there has been about 65. I tried to get it higher and it just wasn't happening for some reason.

At least they Marans were alive in there. I don't know how much longer they would have made it if I hadn't gone in.

I wanted to explain my experience. Not to persuade you but so that you have the best info I can give.

I am hoping yours do better than mine.
well, I had one out this morning and sometime this afternoon had another pip... I still have 7 eggs with nothing and the one that has pipped hasn't done anything for 5 or 6 hours... hoping to have some more sometime this eveining.
Well I have two hatched and two chirping in the shells but not pipping. I was working in the chicken yard this afternoon when hubby yelled down and asked if I knew one had hatched. No I didn't even know one had pipped! That's been several hours ago. The second little guy had a pinhole pip all day and he finally just got to business and popped out after a few minutes zipping. He is trying to get his bearings, meanwhile the little jerk who hatched earlier keeps chest bumping him. He is actually chasing him around the incubator. They are Lght Sussex and are big chicks so they can only stand up in the Brinsea on the edges around the humidity pad. I took the little jerk out for a few minutes to give the new guy a break. I know, LOCKDOWN, but the Brinsea recovers temp and humidity within a few seconds of replacing the lid soooo...... Anyway I loved him for a little bit, snapped a couple of pics, then put him back in to continue the Brinsea Octagon 20 Cage Fight.

Here's trouble with a capital "T."


Congrats everybody who hatching, pipping, and zipping.
Good vibes to those still waiting.
Mahonri, I recommend Xanax.
8:15PM Update

1 more FBCM pipped. I can hear it chirping.

GCMXDellie hasn't moved
4 w/BW still look the same.

I don't know what I did wrong?

AND!... I've had worse luck in the Brinsea that is supposed to be perfect!
Update: Same as this morning, no more pips (yet) on the remaining 7 eggs and the one hatched baby still in the 'bator...
It's still early.

My guy was removed from the bator for unsportsman-like conduct.

He is now in the brooder with the Baby Mamas.

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I'm holding that faith, but usually once one starts pipping and zipping, it's a non stop thing.

I'm hoping that the ones that hatched are the ones that were right under the heat source... so they developed quicker.

My wife with a smile says, "Well maybe it wasn't meant to be...".... (she thinks I have too many chickens)

Humidity in the 1588 is still what it was at lockdown 72 % & 58%.

Brinsea was 35% for days 1-18. Air cells were huge. Day 18 we put it right up to 65% and it has stayed there. Is that too high?
The Dellie egg pic has just gotten slightly bigger.

Noon tomorrow starts day 22.

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