Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010


Congratulations all
on your new chicks!

I will be hatching with you all soon!

Mahonri - I am still new at this so I don't know what to tell you about when to go in. All that were going to hatch on their own have in mine so I am going to try and get the last one out. I will pip in the air cell and see what happens. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Congrats to everyone else on their new babies.
Well, I went to bed around 430 PST this morning with NOTHING, and woke up about a half an hour ago to LOUD chirping, and I have one very wet chick!
I am hoping his/her peeping will get some others coaxed out soon! I am on my way out the door to help a friend with a K9 emergency, so I hope to come home to more fluff in the bator! I'll post a pic when he's fluffed later!
1:30PM report

16 chicks hatched

2 GCM X Delaware
1 GCM X Black Star

1 BW Am. X BBL Polish can't wait to get a good pic of this one for you
1 BW Am. X Salmon Faverolle... this one is my fav!
7 BW X BW/W... at least two of which I' think I've identified as BW or Splash! ( Based on last year's hatch when I got two BW pullets)

4 zipping... 3 FCBMs, 1 GCM X Black Star

14 pips that don't seem to be moving.

I said I was going to intervene at 2PM, but now I'll wait.
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Cloverleaf ... YAY ! ! You are on your way, it sounds like!

Mahonri .... I agree, I don't think it's time to intervene. Sounds like they are doing well, on their own.

Congrats to all the new chicks, and keep posting ... I love this thread!
Congrats on your hatch so far Mahonri!
I always tell myself as long as chicks keep hatching, I'm not touching that bator. So you still have zippers..keep on waiting. I find I have best results this way. Best wishes and Happy New Year!
So once they go four hours with no one zipping, then head in right?

I've got a bunch in there that are pipped... 11 total.

2:45 report

18 hatched.

3 FBCM zipping
1 GCM X black star... still zipping.

6 in the Hovabator with no pips

5 in the Brinsea with no pips.
Nope, 12-24 hours from last chick hatched.
This ensures he has plenty of time to fluff up and dry well and gives the others time to follow along and hatch on their own. If a new one hatches, the waiting starts again.

The first one came out 27 hours ago!

I hope I'm done by tomorrow at this time!!!

So sorry my friend... you've been such a support on this thread, thank you for that, and we'll hope that you get some the next time around.

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