Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

I still have just the one chick, but two more pips...
Getting there - it's kinda slow to fluff since it's so humid in there!
But it has 5 toes and lightly feathered legs like it's daddy, and I'm pretty sure it came out of a Wyandotte egg, I think I see a flat little rose comb!

Go Chickies! Sending good hatch vibes to Cloverleaf too

Moving into day 22, I now hear peeping from one of the remaining 6 was rocking and moving around too. Why oh why wont those buggers just PIP already
I only had 1 hatch on the 1st. I do have 2 more making peeping sounds but after today they are late. I may intervene tomorrow and see if they need help. I just had to inspect the eggs that where to hatch hoping to hear something or feel movement. I do have some small chicks I can put in with this lone one if need be. They are almost a week old. I put one in with it today and it went to sleep but the one I put in chirped and drove us nuts calling it's flock in the other room.

I am doing staggard hatches and I suppose that is why I get less and less hatches. My first one was 100%, second was 45% this one is well, 1%. 1 out of 11. Hopefully I'll have the other 2 hatch tomorrow. I'll post a pic tomorrow.
I'm up!
I couldn't keep my dumb ol' hands out of the bator and nearly killed one of my chicks! It may still be too late, but we'll see...I broke a vein open "helping" when I should have turned off the dang light and left the room!
(That would be me, smacking myself!) So far both of the pips are alive and peeping. No other pips yet though.

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