Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

Beautiful chicks Dinahmoe!!!

You did fantastic and with 37 chicks!


Well I'm all but done with the hatching, I've already decontaminated, semi sterilized and cleaned the Hoavabator. I actually liked my 1588 this time as it hatched me a bunch of chicks!!!!

Well I still haven't finished figuring out who is who, but here is the story.

I took the last 4 chicks out who seemed to be dying of humidity or suffocation, put them in the brooder and then I started candling the eggs that were remaing. 4 FCBM, 1 GCMarans of my own and 1 w/Bw from Jean.

Started w/ my GC Marans that must have been a quitter about a day before. Discarded it.
Looked over the 4 FCBMs. 1 had one with a pip on the wrong end AND I realized it was low on the shell and that another one that hatched, pipped through it and killed it.. Two down.
Next one I candled looked dead. It was. Same with the next... it was like they just couldn't get through into the air sac or something.... and they were dry inside.
Last one we candled showed a miniscule pip! We opened it up a little heard the peeping, hydrated the egg and put it back in the bator... it's not finishe zipping but it's working on it!
end of the FCMBS...
Onto the Jean w/bw Ameraucana. Candled could hear it peeping. Pipped it and started helping it and it was like "what have you been waiting for!!!! moved it's head up, tore the dry membrane and it was literally ready to jump out of the bottom of the egg. I wet it down put it in the bator and 10 minutes later it was running around the bator. Intervention helped for this one!

Hovabator done.

Started on the Brinsea... since I really wanted the extra large EE to hatch I started with it. It just looked weird., Pipped into the air sac, and the chick had not pipped it. The chick at the top of the egg was seim alive but I could see it wouldn't last long, the chick at the bottom had quit sometime earlier and was tiny. YUP a double yolker. They didn't make it so it was discared.

Next "J-D". super dry... stuck on the membrane, began the process of helping.. .remember it had pipped around 4:30 and I had opened the bator a time or two after that, well, it's still alive but the jury is still out on it.
Next a Light brown Leghorn egg, bred I believe by my BW Ameraucana... it also had already pipped so I wet it down wrapped it in a warm, wet paper towel and back into the brinsea, Jury is still out on this one as well. Interestingly it was a dark colored chick! Hmmm wonder if the Marans somehow got to her? we'll see tomorrow.
Next another blue egg and low and behold on the side it has Jean writing on it... most of the others had it on the top, this one had it on the side W-3! must be her coop number. Anyway, no pip in this one either so I candled, listened, heard a peep and it was a rerun of the above in the Hovabator but it just not frisky. Looked real tired. Wrapped in warm, wet paper towel and back into the bator. It's still breathing.
Next a blue w/bw ameraucana of mine that had pipped. It was still peeping. Tried helping it zip a little, went to the point where there was a tiny bit of blood flowing through the membrane still, stopped there, wet down w/ warm paper towel, wrapped it and put it back in the bator.

I can hear at least one or two chirping their heads off in the brinsea at present.

If all of the above live, I will end my hatch with 41 chicks. So I only discarded a total of 6! 2 GC Marans 3 FBCM and my EE that had two chicks in it, one dead, the other dying.... it was a BIG egg.

Tomorrow I'm off to U-haul to buy a big brooder box... perhaps to Walmart for the 55 gal tote. it might hold my light better out on the back porch in a week or so and I've got to get another chick waterer. I should have plenty of chick mash/starter as I have 75 lbs of that and then another 50 of grower for a month or so from now.

Well, if you made it to the end of this roller coaster ride of a story, thanks for listening. Thanks for the prayers and support.

Until morning when it's 'clean the coop' shop for supplies and get my Sunday School lesson finished... and I never did get to see Avatar in 3D like I had planned at the beggining of the week, all of these beautiful chicks make up for it though!

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I have another pip! Happened about 1-1:30am or thereabouts, and a 4th one is (not pipped) BUT rocking and I hear cheeping now....So its now officially day 22, I am having faith that by morning...oh wait, it IS morning
that I may have 1 or two more...
Mahonri ...
Thanks for the details! Really a thorough hatch documentation. I love that. I've really enjoyed your thread so very much!

Congrats to all of you new chick owners! Thanks for the pictures and stories!

Congratulations everybody!! It is so great to start out the New Year with the birth of all these cute lil cheepers. Thanks for sharing all these great pics and wonderful stories. SO sorry to those who lost babies. It has been a great learning experience. I am Loving the FBCMs I can't wait for mine to hatch now
) They aren't due till the 18th.
I have my first batch of babies (The blue/black/splash marans and blue ameracaunas) going into lockdown on the 6th then I will be a nervous wreck LOL!
So far:
4 Marans
1 Wellie (girl)

2 more Wellies are going to pop out any second, and several more Wellies have pipped.
3 Marans are still working on zip.

Congrats everyone......Great photos!
Mahonri - wow, that is a lot of chicks. I hope your remaining ones make it. Congrats to everyone else on pips and hatches.

My 4 buckeyes are doing great, eating and drinking and doing fine. Will it be ok to put them in with my Christmas babies? They are a week older but the buckeyes seem to be running around just fine.
All of a sudden there are 5 new little fuzzies in the hatcher. 3 Wellies and 2 Marans. LOL one of the little Wellies hadn't even pipped when I posted last.
I think the magic has begun!!!!
That is great Mahonri! I thought you would find some stuck in there, I am so glad you checked. You said that you "hydrated the egg" What did you do to hydrate it?
When I help them out, I usually help all the way. I would love to be able to let them fininsh it off. When you Pip the egg, where do you pip it at? How big and I am guessing through the shell and both membranes? Then what?
I was a believer in dry hatch but with your excellent records I have no doubt at all anymore. Whahoo!

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