Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

Sad day here. I came downstairs this morning to find one of my Light Sussex near death. I picked him up and kind of blew in his face to wake him up. He isn't able to stand and one wing flops to the side. It is strange because he was the biggest and most active. He is still hanging on tonight. I have done all the usual things, Pedialyte, sugar water, Poly-vi-sol, etc. He drinks if I dip his beak but otherwise he doesn't move. He opens his eyes and chirps a little if I talk to him. I am just letting him rest and see if any of the things I tried are going to work. I have him in a little box in the brooder because he was getting stepped on. I thought about putting him down but he doesn't appear to be suffering, just sleepy. One other one is not as strong and active as i would like either. We'll just wait and see what happens.

Hope everyone's new chicks are doing well.


p.s. My January 11th eggs are looking good and my LAST shipment of eggs may go out this week! I should be done hatching by the end of the month. Whew.
So sorry about the little sussex. Wow.

I thought I was done hatching, but I'm hoping to do one more test hatch and evaluation.
You need to get some of those White Faced Black Spanish eggs from Terry Lund!
Just a quick update. The two I had working are hatched, fluffed and in the brooder. I quick cleaned the empty shells from the bator, and re-adjusted the remaining 6 eggs. I will keep the bator running for about 3 days in case something happens, but it looks like 2 out of 21, I need to figure out where I went wrong...since 10 made it to lock down, I'm guessing the problem is on my end, and not the seller of the eggs. I will try to get some pics of the little fuzz balls up this evening.
A quick update: little fuzzballs chirruped all night long. They are in the room next to ours--it is under construction and therefore empty of anything that might absorb sounds. The 2 silkies from my last hatch were WAY louder, but these little buggers have more endurance. We also did a full coop clean yesterday so I am sore AND sleep deprived. Just call me Crankypants.

Everyone's chicks are so cute! Also, that homemade incubator is the bomb-diggity, which is a word I don't whip out often. It rocks!
So sorry about Little I Pip. My little guy's struggle was over this morning as well. RIP little ones.

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