
I lost another one of my Red Stars last night. I found her dead under the nesting boxes. So I did my first necropsy. I have no idea what killed her but it was a learning experience.

I'm sorry you had to, but I'm much impressed that you did. I hope I'll be as "grown up" if I ever have to do a necropsy; learning is always good. Even if it's not the whole answer we were looking for.
Thank you all! It was hard to do. I covered her face--that helped. I'm told her I was sorry but hoped she would help me find some answers. I'll be posting pictures on a different thread to see if I can get some answers.
I finally culled Camilla. It was long overdue. Part of me wants to do a necropsy to validate that she had infectious bronchitis before coming to me (which I strongly suspect), but I'm not sure I can handle the initial cuts. Once she doesn't "look like a chicken" I'm sure I could handle it, but I'd have to get past that part.
Several pages to catch up!! Sorry for the losses, gigantic eggs, and congrats on early layers!

My EE/OE still haven't laid???? They are about 22 weeks right now... I was told mt BO pair wasn't really 7 mo old as she looked more like 4-5 mo
I finally culled Camilla. It was long overdue. Part of me wants to do a necropsy to validate that she had infectious bronchitis before coming to me (which I strongly suspect), but I'm not sure I can handle the initial cuts. Once she doesn't "look like a chicken" I'm sure I could handle it, but I'd have to get past that part.
MEMama, Sorry for your loss but it is good that you realize it needed to be done. You are right once she didn't look like a chicken it was easier hence I covered her face. Then I said to myself "it's no different than preparing a chicken for dinner." I just kept telling myself that.
MEMama, Sorry for your loss but it is good that you realize it needed to be done. You are right once she didn't look like a chicken it was easier hence I covered her face. Then I said to myself "it's no different than preparing a chicken for dinner." I just kept telling myself that.
LOL The problem is that I make hubby prepare all meats. I don't eat it so I don't cook it. Is it super upsetting or do you start getting "clinical"?
MEMama, Sorry for your loss but it is good that you realize it needed to be done. You are right once she didn't look like a chicken it was easier hence I covered her face. Then I said to myself "it's no different than preparing a chicken for dinner." I just kept telling myself that.
LOL The problem is that I make hubby prepare all meats. I don't eat it so I don't cook it. Is it super upsetting or do you start getting "clinical"?

I totally understand, MEMama! When I was a child, I saw my grandmother cutting up some chicken from the supermarket and I swore I would never eat chicken as an adult if I had to prepare it. I do prepare it now (reluctantly), but I have never butchered or necropsied my own bird. In fact, I would be vegetarian if I did not live with a carnivore. I have no craving for meat. Cheese, on the other hand, that is a different story. I love cheese and eggs, so I wouldn't make a great vegan.

I think if you did do a necropsy, though, you would find yourself quickly getting clinical. I've always loved cats, but I was able to dissect one in high school. The worst part of that job is the formaldehyde smell!

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