
In other Spring news the farm where I am getting my two goat kids from just posted that they have 16 does confirmed to be pregnant. They are expecting at least 40 kids in April. Talk about cuteness overload.
Widget: all I can say to the comments posted is... wow! I suppose that processing a rooster is also animal cruelty.

SCG: Sorry about the scrambled eggs. I scrambled one in my pocket a couple of weeks ago!

Congrats QuailTrail. More good bkfst to follow!
Wonderful color and size for a first egg! Happy happy joy joy! The 3 russian orloff pullets each laid an egg per day for 3 days straight while it was utterly cold then on the "warm up" day yesterday no one lays....I can't complain since the weekly total was 15 eggs:) I'm hoping to buy my domain soon so I can drop the "weebly".

If anyone's interested, I hold a blog hop on Fridays. It's a great way to network and learn new stuff. If you're a blogger, it's a great way to get read.
If you end up needing help getting your domain setup, or finding quality web hosting let me know. No need to discuss openly, but shoot me a PM if you would care for any info.
Totally not worth it unless you have other things you sell as part of your "farm" company. You have to make a certain amount per year to file as a business. I forget what it is 3k or 4k. They go easy on you for the first few years if you don't turn a profit but after that they will tell you that you are just a hobbyist and cant file as a business BUT if you are smart - it can be worth it for those first years if you are making a real go at it.
I suppose you could also claim any expenses as a loss those first few years as well (building a coop, fuel used in business related tasks, feed, supplies, etc.). Claiming those losses would be deducted from your personal income (IIRC) and could potentially change your taxes in your favor.

I'm not an accountant, and none of this should be taken as proper advice. Definitely check your facts, but there are some cases in which this could be beneficial to someone.
Nice pic MeMama. I love the innocence of youth, and how the simplest of routines can be such an adventure.

Anya, I thought of you this morning when I went out to check the nest boxes and the hinges were frozen solid. Even with a lot of banging on the hinges, they wouldn't budge, and I was afraid I'd break the door if I forced it... So I'll just wait for it to thaw. I thought of blowing on it, but with my limited depth perception, I was afraid I'd freeze my lips to the hinge... Not a pretty picture!!
Be careful of warm wet skin on metal! When I was a kid I actually licked a hammer to see if my tongue would stick. Well, it did! My cousin was with me and he yanked it off and my tongue bled for a bit. Not a good idea.

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