

Geese are very smart and social. They are enjoyable as pets and cheaper to raise for part of the year as they eat mainly grass. Geese were often used as weeders and in some organic plantations/orchards still are used instead of herbicides and machines. Look up Cotton Patch Geese for a great history lesson. Their poop is of course full of nitrogen and is easily and quickly composted because they are basically lawn mowers and their feces looks like it. The geese I have are not bullies at all but there are some breeds which are much more aggressive/territorial than others. For this reason they are used as flock guardians and they do a good job of only alerting us/the flock but they also will break up fights in the yard between birds. They crave harmony. BUT this is breeding season. Unlike a chicken that lays most of the year a goose has a much shorter season, hence part of the reason for their being a more expensive animal. In breeding season, as with many other species, they are not sweet pets. They are hormonal and broody and protective. They are driven by instinct and hormones. I find that geese are often condemned as always being pinchers or honkers but so many are not, especially outside of the few months of breeding season.
Geese can be eaten and are delicious. Many people do not cook them now as so many of the old recipes for them are not in the books-- like game birds, pheasant and quail and what not, also not in there. Geese are hardy and smart and very intelligent. Try not to condemn a species based on one bird or breed, please.

Geese are very smart and social. They are enjoyable as pets and cheaper to raise for part of the year as they eat mainly grass. Geese were often used as weeders and in some organic plantations/orchards still are used instead of herbicides and machines. Look up Cotton Patch Geese for a great history lesson. Their poop is of course full of nitrogen and is easily and quickly composted because they are basically lawn mowers and their feces looks like it. The geese I have are not bullies at all but there are some breeds which are much more aggressive/territorial than others. For this reason they are used as flock guardians and they do a good job of only alerting us/the flock but they also will break up fights in the yard between birds. They crave harmony. BUT this is breeding season. Unlike a chicken that lays most of the year a goose has a much shorter season, hence part of the reason for their being a more expensive animal. In breeding season, as with many other species, they are not sweet pets. They are hormonal and broody and protective. They are driven by instinct and hormones. I find that geese are often condemned as always being pinchers or honkers but so many are not, especially outside of the few months of breeding season.
Geese can be eaten and are delicious. Many people do not cook them now as so many of the old recipes for them are not in the books-- like game birds, pheasant and quail and what not, also not in there. Geese are hardy and smart and very intelligent. Try not to condemn a species based on one bird or breed, please.

My two geese are great. Friendly and great at watching out for predators. I can even pick them up without too much of a squabble. I am sure they would taste great but I have no plans on sending them to freezer camp. Ducks also taste great but finding a place to process them is not easy.
This is completely NCR but I thought I would share anyway. WGME did a segment last night on de-icing at the Jetport. My boss did a good job of explaining what we do. I did not have to work yesterday when they were filming so I am not in the segment. But it is nice to know I am an unsung hero.
. I still think that PWM De-Ice would make a great reality show. People may never want to fly again but they would at least be entertained,
Good to hear. I also have pure Barred Rock eggs as well, if for some reason you don't have great luck with this hatch just let me know!
I'll definitely keep it in mind- thanks!

I also have to fudge with thermometers. I use a digital ~~and a mercury medical thermometer in a bowl of water, aiming for 100 degrees, then make the mental adjustment to match a large red dye indoor/outdoor rod type for easier reading. I have an Incutherm+ hatch monitor on order, which is fairly accurate for temp and humidity. It has a probe that can easily be moved around in the incubator.
Glad I'm not the only one :)

In the first cracked egg pic I thought you posted it because of the cat pic on it! There's half of a cat face with an ear and whiskers:) Keep us posted on the cracked eggs. I don't kniw about incubating them but when I collect an egg that the shell is cracked but not the membrane I will still put it in the fridge. I've heard that with a smaller crack clear nail polish works. I hope all goes well for your hatch.
Back during our biggest snow/cold storms when dh was sent home from work he would get onto me for not taking my phone with me down to the chickens. I've got them spread out over about 3 acres of our property with some being all the way at the bottom of the mountain side;-) One day it took me over an hour and a half due to breaking ice and chipping away at poopcycles- I'm slipping and sliding UP the mountain side, glance up to see dh staring down at me! He said he got worried after hollering out the back door. This was major for my dh! He never comes to the coops so he must have run out of coffee only to realize I hadn't gotten back to the house yet:) I always take the phone now but more for surprise pics because let's face it- with everyone else at work and school, who's gonna come rescue me from my chickens?
I didn't even notice that- I clearly see it now. hahaha I worried about nail polish chemicals so I used wax instead- I will let you all know! Due to hatch around April 2nd.
This is completely NCR but I thought I would share anyway. WGME did a segment last night on de-icing at the Jetport. My boss did a good job of explaining what we do. I did not have to work yesterday when they were filming so I am not in the segment. But it is nice to know I am an unsung hero. :) . I still think that PWM De-Ice would make a great reality show. People may never want to fly again but they would at least be entertained,
Nice! The Real De-Icers of PWM
Eggs went in last night. I'm still fudging to try to get consistent temps front to back and side to side. Have not added H2O yet, waiting for my probe. Humidity appears to be around 16%. Found one large crack (about the size of a quarter), membrane intact. It is also the largest egg. The crack is on the bottom of the egg, so shouldn't interfere with hatch. So, I waxed it, and will keep an extra eye on it, and give it the nose test often.
Eggs went in last night.  I'm still fudging to try to get consistent temps front to back and side to side.  Have not added H2O yet, waiting for my probe.  Humidity appears to be around 16%.  Found one large crack (about the size of a quarter), membrane intact.  It is also the largest egg.  The crack is on the bottom of the egg, so shouldn't interfere with hatch.  So, I waxed it, and will keep an extra eye on it, and give it the nose test often. 

That's exciting. I'm really looking forward to hatching, but still waiting on my eggs.
The sniff test worked well for me. I knew as soon as there was a rotten egg in there just by entering the room.

I'm loving this temporary warmish day!
Think I found a turkey egg today under a bush. Just one and it was frozen but at least I know the girls can lay.

I have a Buff Orpington who, if she were a cat, has used up 10 of her 9 lives. Went to take four dogs out on leashes. Hen was on porch. Hen ended up in foster dogs mouth. Then she became a tug toy for all four dogs. Lots of screaming from all parties involved. Freed the chicken once but then one of the dogs grabbed her out of my hands again. The chaos went on for a couple minutes. Finally I rescued the bird and got her outside and the dogs inside. The poor chicken went into hiding and I thought for sure she was a goner. But today she is out and about with no signs of any injuries. How that happened I will never know.

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