
That is one lucky chicken, Widget! It must have been quite a scene trying to free her with 4 dogs involved.

It is crazy how quickly egg production escalates. Looking back, it has been 10 weeks since we hit bottom with 25 eggs for the week. Weekly production since then: 35, 51, 55, 64, 91, 94, 103, 134, and this week is 176!
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Wow! That's great! That the chicken survived, not that the dogs attacked.

Buckabucka, how many chickens do you have? That's a lot of eggs!

Has anyone been to the BK in Auburn? We were there today, and during the drive-thru, about 10 ducks (wild) walked infront of our car. My mom asked the guy if there was someone to move them, and he said they will just come back. We don't care if they come back, we don't want to run them over! So I had to get out of the car, move them out of the way, hold them there until my mom pulled up, and drove away. What were we supposed to do, run them over?!
I don't usually post something like this, but I have to now. For those of you that sell chickens or ship chickens, please try and make sure your birds will have a good home. I sold a dozen Icelandics to a person in Conn. last summer. I am so heartbroken right now you see the birds I sold , I thought was going to a good home and be able to free range instead of being confined to their pen and run. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this person was going to treat my birds or any birds for that matter the way she did, My birds never saw the outside, they never ran in the grass, they never breathed fresh air, they never lived period. I am going to post this article and there are pictures if you click on the little house on the right. I am sick, tears have been running down my face since I saw this. Words cannot express what I am feeling right now. Pleas do not sell her anything, we have heard she is trying to buy more birds. She has probably changed her name since she has no profile Iknow it will be hard to know her now. She went by the name of Merry Haaynak. Moderators if this is not allowed please remove, I thought people ought to know,0,6372866.story
I'm pretty sure I have 51 hens. At least 10 of them are 4 years old, a bunch are 3, some are 2, and there are 18 that are 1 year. The 4 year olds still lay (especially the leghorns), but not very much.
WAF: I'm so very sorry. This is deplorable.

I've spent all day working on getting the temp regulated in the incubator. I think after the placement of one more tin foil baffle, i'll have it as regulated as I can get it. Now... we wait...
That's crazy Wee Acre Farm! Did the people live in there?
While I'm sure it is very upsetting, you did nothing wrong. No one wants to see an animal mistreated, but it happens. So sorry that this happened. :(
Wow. Just wow. It was not your fault in any way.

My one remaining Icelandic free ranges to her hearts content. She loves hanging out with the goats and the horses. She hates being confined. I could not imagine keeping her in the house. Or keeping even half that many chickens in the house. I have ten bantams in the basement right now but they have a large, clean enclosure with plenty of natural light since it is a daylight basement. Just waiting for the snow to melt so they can go outside permamently.
I'm going up and down the street on Google Maps trying to see where it is.

Edit: found it
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I've heard Delawares are the fastest growing DP breed, you might just want to separate and expand your Delaware flock (and sell me some of your purebred Delaware eggs

Hoover's Hatchery has good prices on Cornish Crosses...

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