
can someone help me out. who is the person on this board that has that gorgeous rhode Island red rooster ? I think I posted a picture or this person posted a picture. it was taken at a poultry show by a professional photographer or as the professional was getting ready to take pictures.
someone is looking for a RIR roo for his flock, so if I can't find this person, other names are helpful.

I found the picture
this is the bird I am referring to:
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I am hatching BuckyBars(black sexlinks), Bard Rocks and Buckeyes. I am looking for Bard Rock hatching eggs if anyone has some to sell.

This name makes me laugh! Love it.
Four out here so far and oddly enough I think of Polly now every time I hatch. She told me once about she runs around like a ninny yelling and exciting when they hatch and I catch myself bounding and tittering here in ways that would be very unseemly otherwise.
I have EE, project Marans, Black Copper Marans and Russian Orloffs hatching. Breda, bantam Cochins, ducks, geese and Chanteclers are all coming as well just not right away.
Russian Orloffs are out and about and I have six Hedemora that are very lovely but I think all six are males. If someone would like a really beautiful and winter hardy boy let me know. Otherwise they are definitely going to be eaten.

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