
I wish to thank everyone for the kind words, I know I get to emotional about my birds and I really shouldn't. I am in this to raise and sell birds and I know that once they leave that is it, they are gone.

If I actually hatch something, I'll have to try that cross! Day 4, and I think I'm just torturing myself by trying to candle on such dark eggs... I can see blobs that float when you turn the egg- I hope it's not just a mass of bacteria...
Hi All! Been a long time (LLLOOOONNNGG WINTER!)

Time for me to start thinking about new birds for my flock and adding more color to my egg basket...currently have whites, olive, multi types of tans and one lone mix bantum that lays the most beautiful little blue eggs

Looking for some good, dark chocolate egg layers; Maran or Welsummer maybe? I'm not looking to show so not looking for that degree of breeding. But, I am looking for good, dark eggs :)

Also looking for some pretty blues...EE or Ameraucana. Again, not looking to show but more for egg color.

Where should I go to find pullets or...(if my girl goes broody again this year) a few eggs? I don't want many (already have 24 girls!)...maybe 2 of each

Thanks for the help.
I am hatching BuckyBars(black sexlinks), Bard Rocks and Buckeyes. I am looking for Bard Rock hatching eggs if anyone has some to sell.
This name makes me laugh! Love it. Four out here so far and oddly enough I think of Polly now every time I hatch. She told me once about she runs around like a ninny yelling and exciting when they hatch and I catch myself bounding and tittering here in ways that would be very unseemly otherwise. I have EE, project Marans, Black Copper Marans and Russian Orloffs hatching. Breda, bantam Cochins, ducks, geese and Chanteclers are all coming as well just not right away. Russian Orloffs are out and about and I have six Hedemora that are very lovely but I think all six are males. If someone would like a really beautiful and winter hardy boy let me know. Otherwise they are definitely going to be eaten.
Congratulations on the hatch! I am looking forward to showing some otherwise unseemly behavior myself. By April, I am hoping....
McKenney: You have just validated me. I am also on day 4 and have tried candling. Not much to see yet. I think my aging eyes are not helping much. Is this *&&%^*(%()&*) COLD weather ever going to end? I know I should be starting a few seedlings, but am so totally unmotivated.
Whats everyone hatching? ??
I've got eggs set and due on March 27th. They are a frizzled silver laced wyandotte roo over australorp, orpingtons, ameruacana, silver laced wyandotte, easter egger and maran hens. I hope to get a frizzled slw pullet out of them.

On a different note. Why does my duck insist on laying in the middle of the night. At 8pm no egg. At 6:30am a split and very frozen egg. A whole week and I've only gotten two good eggs. :-(
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On a different note. Why does my duck insist on laying in the middle of the night. At 8pm no egg. At 6:30am a split and very frozen egg. A whole week and I've only gotten two good eggs. :-(
Because the ducks know it's supposed to be warmer outside by now! They are giving a big middle finger to the weather, in hopes of it warming up soon.

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