
I've been thinking of getting a rooster, but worry that my girls would beat up this fellow because he's so young! How old is he now? Would you be able to put off sending him to freezer camp until he's older? Any more pictures would be appreciated!
And here's the funky chicken in question:

Our ORPINGTONS are 14 weeks old, the reading I have done they may start laying as early as 19 weeks when should I open there nesting boxes. The roost every night on the roost so I am not worried about the using them as beds.

@woods79 I love your roost design. Do you find your birds stick to the upper sections, or do you get some on the lower rungs as well?
mine hop up to the top and roost, all 8 try to sit at the very top, like they did when little, most the time they take up the top 2. The old blue pool liner works great to catch dropping and help keep the coop clean, every 5-7 days i sweep it off on a shovel and put in compost. The liner is also put up so i can take out any time and hose it off.
Hi All,

Some of you may remember me... I have been MIA from the board for awhile. I have a broody sitting on 3 eggs that are due to hatch tomorrow or Thursday. Has anyone figured out where to get Marek's vaccine for less than a quantity of 1,000 and locally? I have tried every feed store in my area and 2 vets! Trying to avoid the $20 shipping fee...

Follow up to my recent post... I just received a response back from our state vet. I'm sharing in case anyone else is interested.
Hi- I wish I had a good answer for you. It is difficult to adequately and successfully vaccinate birds for Marek's outside of a commercial hatchery. It is not just the expense and skill, but also the fact that you should booster the vaccine, and that they need the vaccine very early (depending on the strain of vaccine used). I wrote a grant a few years ago to try to develop resources for a vaccination service that could vaccinate heritage birds but was unsuccessful.

I don't encourage people to do the vaccination themselves, based on my fear that it won't be protective, will be expensive, and will cause more harm than good. We keep our small heritage, unvaccinated flock very separate from any other birds; so far so good, but I expect we will lose some eventually.

Please feel free to share this message with others who might have the same question. Thank you-

Anne Lichtenwalner DVM PhD
Associate Professor of Animal and Veterinary Sci.
Director: UMaine Animal Health Laboratory
Cooperative Extension and School of Food and Agriculture

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