
hi all,
I have 2 silver laced brahma cockerals that I am selling for $10ea. They both have vulture hocks which is a DQ but gorgeous birds nonetheless. These are NOT breeder quality due to the vulture hocks(too difficult to breed out) but would hate to cull such beautiful birds for a fault when they can be such beautiful backyard eye candy. anyone interested please pm me...
does anyone know of a vet kind of close to portland that will neuter a rabbit? I am getting a doe in a couple of months and want to let my buck run around our family room but I am told they tend to spray, we also don't want I was told if he is just a pet it is best to neuter. I have talked to some which say they spent about $40, but being near Portland I think I will be charged so much more(my experience so far with vets). I also don't want to drive 3 hrs as that would negate the difference driving my suburban with gas prices so high...
Jordan Bay here in Raymond does and Dr. Riddell is such a great guy! I'm not sure of the charge though. He is rigjt on 302, about 30-40 minutes from portland.
I will call them tomorrow, thanks
I am in windham so that should take some time off too
Yes, thats the place! I love going to them, the doc cracks me up!
Hey! I just noticed in your signature you have americaunas (probably butchered the spelling on that!). Please keep me in mind if you are ever looking to sell a couple of ladies! I really would love to add a couple to my little flock!
most definitely. I have a broody black ameraucana right now, am going to candle and see if anything is going on there....but they will be all black. other than that the only thing hatching right now are ee's(will be blue layers but mixed color ameraucana) and olive eggers(ameraucana x marans) with 2 broodys. my first batch of ee's are spoken for and i do have a few ameraucana in a brooder, not sure of gender yet and someone had wanted them. If they change their mind I will let you know. Other than that i probably won't have any till fall...
Thanks K! Ameracaunas or EE's, we'd love a couple of either! Trying to get my little flock up to 6 hens and I will be happy... Until next spring when I somehow convince husband we need to expand the coop;)
ee's are easier, at least till I get my new coop built... I can hatch some ee's for you for nothing but you would have to take them straight run as chicks.....I have a batch of eggs shipping to me, can set some mixed color ameraucana eggs to toss in with them if you want. I have a guy in mechanic falls that will take the roos....interested?

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