
I just went to check on the incubator to see if everything is ok, and it seems that when I took the egg turner out yesterday, the plug for the incubator wasn't all of the way plugged in and the temp was down to 60.
What are the chances that any of the chicks will actually hatch now?
So sorry. Hope you still get a hatch. I forgot to plug mine back in once when I candled, but luckily caught it before I went to bed.
Vultures are not Ravens.  Be sure of which you are seeing.

I have our first (and so far only) MW turkey egg hatching right now.  Its very foamy.  Anyone have a clue why?  I hope to get at least half a dozen of these poults to hatch since they have families waiting for them.

Well, interest in the get together seems to be waning.  I have had two responses about coming on the weekend of April vaca.  Come on folks.  I'll make cookies or chocolate bread even!

If its early in the hatch you might be fine.

I guess the details are that it will be hosted here.  Turns out I'm the 'most central,'  :rolleyes:   My nerves are already shot trying to clean for it and for a few hours so we can talk, snack and trade stuff.  Pretty informal.  I was thinking about Sunday as the day at the end of vaca week.  21st.  Potluck treats, bring a cup and a chair preferably because I have few.  Big rooms though :)  And your swap stuff. 

The wind is going to blow my chickens away.


I can attest her chocolate bread is quite good.

I'm working Sunday the 21st.
since you were taking out the egg turner, sounds like they are almost due. if so, add 1-2 more days to your hatch date. the cooling will slow things down.
I just went to check on the incubator to see if everything is ok, and it seems that when I took the egg turner out yesterday, the plug for the incubator wasn't all of the way
since you were taking out the egg turner, sounds like they are almost due. if so, add 1-2 more days to your hatch date. the cooling will slow things down.
Yeah, day 19 today. I candled a few after everything warmed up, and they were moving all around, so I think they're still going to be alright.
Coopchick, our rototiller is like this mower- you've got to remove the wire from the spark plug to turn it of- J got a real good shock last year b/c whatever he used to try to disconnect the wires did not have a rubber coated handle! We thank my dad for this wonderful tool :)
I turned over the garden a bunch yesterday afternoon- trying to exposing any grubs that may be in the soil, and the chickens had a great time following me around and eating all of the bugs that turned up! I think the rooster got a little insecure about my finding all of the food, because at one point, he grabbed a piece of hay and called them all over....sort of like "hey, I'm the one that finds you food!!"
Hey there Mainechick, I feel J's pain! I remember getting a few good shocks off that old mower. We usually found a stick to knock the wire off. I think one time that stick was wet, my whole arm went numb. Too cute on your rooster! DH & DD had the flock out to free range on Monday afternoon. Our roo did not like them being there. He couldn't control his ladies. I came home as he was trying to get the girls back into the pen but they wouldn't follow him. He seemed pretty upset!

I don't know why I do this to myself, but I went to TSC today w/ out the hubby or kids, and they had chicks.
No one was there to tell me no, the chicks were super cute, and I just "needed" 6 White Leghorn chicks. (And I still haven't told the hubby that I went to the swap on saturday or what I got there. He works out of state.) Do you think he will notice the Leghorn chicks in with the Dominique,Red Dorking, Wheaten Marans and Ameraucana chicks that are due to hatch Friday? He won't be home until the 18th.
In my defense, 4 of the Leghorn chicks are going to my mom and dad when they start laying, and if my parents ever finish (or start) building their coop.

If its early in the hatch you might be fine.

I guess the details are that it will be hosted here. Turns out I'm the 'most central,'
My nerves are already shot trying to clean for it and for a few hours so we can talk, snack and trade stuff. Pretty informal. I was thinking about Sunday as the day at the end of vaca week. 21st. Potluck treats, bring a cup and a chair preferably because I have few. Big rooms though :) And your swap stuff. The wind is going to blow my chickens away.

Ashandvine, PLEASE do not kill yourself cleaning for us!!
SCG... are you working Sat????

I will pm my addy to those who want to come and I am one of the few women in the world who can give competent directions-- YES, I just said that. Mugs and chairs are a must. I was thinking 11-1:30. That's about as long as a movie and late enough to allow people to get here for snacking then run home for all their business... and it runs into the baby's nap but not too far. Input is welcome (hint hint) I would like folks to consider what they could bring to share. Boxes or bags are encouraged to carry your swaps. I have containers for anyone who wants fluff balls. Now, here comes the warning: I do have a dog and a baby. The dog is great but she is loud and so she will be kept in another room where she may bark occasionally because she hears us. The baby will be cute, not for swapping and I do still nurse her occasionally. There is not a lot of carpeting so allergies should be okay but I will vacuum and dust before you get here (the day ahead so it all settles again). OH and its cold here. Big rooms remember? Warm socks, sweater and warmer weather are recommended. I am not opposed to switching this to Sat but would like feedback first. SCG is quite the celebrity so I would change the day for her sake... but she's already been here lol

edited to add we have one baby turkey and another has pipped.
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