
Thanks, Hoppy!
Is the final moving at 5 - 6 weeks because you think they can defend themselves at that age, or does it just happen to be the number of pens you have?

I'm thinking I could move all 25 chicks to the jail brooder if I can get the jail finished. It is actually the same square footage as the one indoors, but will get them out of my house. At 6 weeks, I could mix everyone together in the jail "coop" area. Maybe the new space will distract them from killing each other.
they are big enough at that point, unless you have something like bantams going in with large fowl. but still its the numbers all be introduced at the same time that really helps.
Thanks, Hoppy!
Is the final moving at 5 - 6 weeks because you think they can defend themselves at that age, or does it just happen to be the number of pens you have?
He's a Bob Hawes bird ....from ashandvine!!!

This is a great example of what can happen when the right person gets a bird. JoanieMaine took this little diamond in the rough and made him shine. Very nice.

Yesterday we took the gosling out for a walk again and it is just the cutest thing to see her following the toddler around. They are best buds or something.
so I need your help anyone that knows about the swaps around the state. I am updating the swap page of dates etc. I am to the month of June. I have May all set although I think there is a swap in Wilton that Im missing 2/4th weekend of the month. Is this a saturday,sunday swap and where, time etc. So if everyone that is interested in this stuff could go look, if you see any changes or updates that are needed. please let me know (pm works best as I can delete them as I update the changes). I also need to have verification that there are or are not swaps for June in Lewiston, Windham,Houlton, Presque Isle and any new swaps that might be going on. I need times and locations and ideally a contact number, this can be the store location phone number.
Hubby went to pick up our coop yesterday. Unfortuently, we're going to have to wait until next weekend to unload it from the truck(need more manpower...that thing is a beast!). I hope my ladies like it. They're certainly getting spoiled but I don't care, I'm enjoying every minute of it! Hubby mentioned that we could fit more birds into the coop if we wanted so I said "Ooo! yeah we could...." and he quickly said with a smirk "not that I'm saying that you can". Uh-oh, is this the start of chicken math? Well, gonna go eat a big breakfast, give hubby a much needed haircut and then going to take my ladies outside for a couple of hours. Their first venture outside! I wonder what they'll think of that? I hope everyone has a lovely & productive day! Yay for Spring!
For swaps, how do the age rules work if you don't know the exact hatch date? I have a bunch of chicks I bought, but decided I'd rather keep some of the ones I hatch instead. Is a guess ok for that 8 week deadline?

Anyone in the Windham/Gorham/sebago area looking for pullets? I have partridge rocks, ee's, 1-2 slw's, a buff orp, black sexlink, and a red sexlink I can part with. They're 5-6 weeks now, all pullets but have some PR cockerels too.
they are big enough at that point, unless you have something like bantams going in with  large fowl. but still its the numbers all be introduced at the same time that really helps.
Thanks, Hoppy!

Is the final moving at 5 - 6 weeks because you think they can defend themselves at that age, or does it just happen to be the number of pens you have?


Okay. Safety in numbers. The only birds that might not go in with the others are the lavender Ameraucanas. They are all smallish, but one is only surviving, not really thriving, and she is still the size of a ping pong ball.
the rule is they have to be 8 weeks old to be sold as single birds,otherwise you have to sell them in lots of 6. if you don't know the age, they should be fully feathered out by 8 weeks. you can kind of guage them by how mature they are compared to the ones you hatched or check pictures online. if selling from your house, they can be any age and you can sell just one if you'd like.

I use lime to keep down the flys and clean out the coop.

For swaps, how do the age rules work if you don't know the exact hatch date? I have a bunch of chicks I bought, but decided I'd rather keep some of the ones I hatch instead. Is a guess ok for that 8 week deadline?

Anyone in the Windham/Gorham/sebago area looking for pullets? I have partridge rocks, ee's, 1-2 slw's, a buff orp, black sexlink, and a red sexlink I can part with. They're 5-6 weeks now, all pullets but have some PR cockerels too.
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