
Hey everyone its kaleb. from belgrade. new to the site and trying to learn all i can. i have 5 mallards and. 20 laying hens of mixed variety including white leghorns. buff o's americaunas and others. and one rooster that we do not know the breed. looks like bard rock but with a difrent type of comb. gunna try my hands at incubation and make it to as many swaps and shows as possible. best way to identifie me is my hazordous hick gear. hat hoodie and shirts. hope to meet and learn from everyone

Back from the show- wet cold day! And to my surprise, goats were there!! Saw my favorites in the ring- Nigerian dwarfs- made sure to point out to husband how cute they are...

Also, Husband fell in love with some D'anvers, who knew he'd love the little ones so much!
Let the chickens and ducks out to free range today. The ducks are sticking together and enjoying the freedom. Three of the hens are roaming a bit but hanging out together. The fourth hen is staying in the pen sitting on some eggs in the dog kennel. And the rooster is in the goats' pen and can't quite figure out how to get out.The girls figured out how to go in and out of it at will so hopefully he will figure it out. Not saying he is stupid but he certainly isn't the sharpest crayon in the box.

Worked on the horses' fence a bit. Need a bit of hardware to finish it off but I think I will be able to get most of it done tomorrow. Then once I get the remaining pieces to secure the tape I can attach the fence charger and see what happens. Managed to brush out Stefnir so he doesn't look as moth eaten. Still planning on hitting the trails tomorrow with him. And I did spend a few minutes sitting on the back of Gosi, the other Icey, just because he was standing near the round pen fence and I could use that as a ladder to get on him. He couldn't care less that I was sitting on his back. Says alot about a horse when you can climb on with no saddle, bridle or even a halter and they just stand there undisturbed.
im looking for a buff orphington rooster for breeding and maybe interested in some bob whites if anyones got any. also looking for nice coloration call ducks.
Hi all, I'm relatively new to the site and am enjoying the Maine thread. I just got 5 Bantams yesterday and a couple have hooked pointy beaks. I was going to trim them but I don't believe they have ever been outside to scratch around. They can now, so wondering if I should let them wear down on their own or trim to give them a head start. Any suggestions/ opinions? They were hatched late last summer
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Since the sun came out down here I could not resist the urge to get out on the trails. Grabbed the saddle and bridle and went out to the paddock. Stefnir came right over and stood patiently while I got him ready. For the first time in two years I didn't have to tighten the girth to the last hole and was able to mount without the saddle slipping. So he has definitely gained weight.
. We didn't go out for long, 30 minutes tops, but we both enjoyed it. Mostly walked but did a bit of the Icey Tolt, some trotting and even a quick canter. Trails were a bit wet in places but not as muddy as I thought they would be. Perfect weather too. Sunny but not hot with enough wind to keep the bugs away. Gosi was not happy we had left. Could hear him whinnying as we left. Rigel, the mustang, didn't seem to care. So now I just need to get Gosi out on the trails to get some mileage under his hooves. Still open to eager volunteers to help with that.

And the slow rooster managed to get himself out of the goat pen. Of course now the ducks are all in there playing in the water bucket.

I was going to plant the rest of the garden this afternoon but decided to hold off until tomorrow due to the frost warning. Really? Frost now? But then again my nephew in Berlin, NH posted pictures of his snow covered yard that he took this morning.
Passing this on posted on the Lewiston swap . post #22 by TWi728 Ref: TSC Brunswick store has agreed to starting swaps up again on June 1st 9-2 .
trim the beaks, just take off the might not be much and you can even use a nail file.

Hi all, I'm relatively new to the site and am enjoying the Maine thread. I just got 5 Bantams yesterday and a couple have hooked pointy beaks. I was going to trim them but I don't believe they have ever been outside to scratch around. They can now, so wondering if I should let them wear down on their own or trim to give them a head start. Any suggestions/ opinions? They were hatched late last summer

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