
Everyone has eggs but me...I am starting to wonder if I just got a bunch of mute roo's!  It has been since the first week of March, 4 leghorns, 4 black sex links...good feed, good love, good coop, lots of eggs.  I am not trying to sound impatient but....

I have noticed in the last few days the ladies have been acting differently.  I used to go into the pen, they would run away, now, I can hardly move my feet without nearly kicking one of them.  The are "cooing" at my feet as I walk in to do the dailies.  I have heard about combs getting bright red, and broody behavior, but I am so new at this I am thinking I am doing it wrong.  I know I have asked over and is time yet?  AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
my oldest girl is 22 weeks and still not eggs here yet. I am getting openly impatient.
wow, thats huge especially for a first egg, just imagine how much bigger they will get!

Chipmunk's 1st egg!!!
I came home, checked on the ailing pullet. Picked her up and put her down outside the coop...then she had a seizure and died :( She was looking so nice too. She was all puffed up and had her head pulled in a little for the last two days and I only noticed the sour crop (maybe) issue two days ago. I check on them thoroughly so I know she was fine before that. Gosh... bad week on the old homestead...I got poison ivy or oak...slammed my own foot in the screen door which resulted in deep cuts to my achilles tendon area annnnnd then the pullet. Woe is me. /endvent.
sorry mustard, it comes in 3's so hopefully your done for a while.

I came home, checked on the ailing pullet. Picked her up and put her down outside the coop...then she had a seizure and died :( She was looking so nice too. She was all puffed up and had her head pulled in a little for the last two days and I only noticed the sour crop (maybe) issue two days ago. I check on them thoroughly so I know she was fine before that. Gosh... bad week on the old homestead...I got poison ivy or oak...slammed my own foot in the screen door which resulted in deep cuts to my achilles tendon area annnnnd then the pullet. Woe is me. /endvent.

Chipmunk's 1st egg!!!

It's not perfect and has a little ridge around the middle but I am so proud of her! I found it in the nesting box when I came home from work today.

One of my Sizzle's eggs and Chipmunk's egg. Chipmunk's sisters have been checking out the nesting boxes too. I'm sure they'll be laying soon.

At first, I thought someone was playing a joke on me by putting a piece of sidewalk chalk in the nesting box because I found this in one on Saturday.

It was laying on it's side. My first thoughts were "OMG that is a huge poop!" "That does not look right!" "I wonder who did that and why is it so shiny?!" It is a gnome pepper shaker. I made the mistake of telling my family I don't like creepy garden gnomes. That is all they needed and they have run with it! I find them in my flower beds when I'm weeding, hanging on the Christmas tree, in the chicken run, in my get the picture. My aunt brought this from Maryland when she visited my parents in March. She & my mother have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to "surprise" me with it. We had my daughther's graduation party on Saturday. My Mum went out to the coop to "see the babies" and hid it.
Way funny. In my family, my MIL has been tormenting her SIL with pink flamingoes for about 30 years.
So, I'm trying to figure out which way to go with integrating my chickens. I am going to downsize, but which two? Would anyone be interested in either my two 15 wk old BRs or my two 9 wk old BOs? I'd be asking $5/each OBO. I've also got a Black Australorp who is about 4 wks old and a 7 wk old RIR. The RIR I planned to rehome, from the start because it was just given to me to keep another chick company. So that one is free, but she (?) is very friendly and sweet.

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