
I am in central Maine and just got back to over a week's worth of eggs that BF collected while I was gone. Some haven't been refrigerated (he ran out of room). They've been in the cool garage. Do you need hatching eggs? We have plenty of rooster action over here.
I don't but I bet there's some one out there who would be delighted to give them a go. What kind of hens/roos do you have??
I agree with everyone re: this incredible heat. To top it all off, we're on vacation this week... good news, except that I'm miserable with a cold, gaggy cough, and a pussy throat... think I need to go get a culture tomorrow. I'd be happy to lay around under a rock all week, but going some every day to at least have a semblance of "vacation". Got 5 eggs today out of my 5 girls. At least they're productive! Have stopped at half a dozen plant nurseries during the last few days, looking for a fragrant Russian Sage. I ran across one several years ago at a previous place of employment, and have not been able to find one with similar scent since. Tempted to go Sage jacking with a flash light, but as it was in a guarded area, you'd probably see my mug in the crime section of BDN. "Granny being held without bail for decapitating immigrant Herb with dull knife."

On the positive side, I was amused to answer a knock at my door early this morning. Was met by my across the street neighbor holding up his half filled Japanese beetle trap. He's now bringing me offerings for my girls.
Hope you feel better soon! We spent the 4th of July weekend with a coughing 8 year old that didn't bother to cover his mouth at all. So both DH & I got home and felt like crap then passed it on to DS. We are still coughing but I think now it's allergies.
At least she's optimistic. However, she could probably hatch some fertile eggs without going any where near them.
I think she would be an excellent momma but I think I'm done with chicks for now.
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I agree with everyone re: this incredible heat. To top it all off, we're on vacation this week... good news, except that I'm miserable with a cold, gaggy cough, and a pussy throat... think I need to go get a culture tomorrow. I'd be happy to lay around under a rock all week, but going some every day to at least have a semblance of "vacation". Got 5 eggs today out of my 5 girls. At least they're productive! Have stopped at half a dozen plant nurseries during the last few days, looking for a fragrant Russian Sage. I ran across one several years ago at a previous place of employment, and have not been able to find one with similar scent since. Tempted to go Sage jacking with a flash light, but as it was in a guarded area, you'd probably see my mug in the crime section of BDN. "Granny being held without bail for decapitating immigrant Herb with dull knife."

On the positive side, I was amused to answer a knock at my door early this morning. Was met by my across the street neighbor holding up his half filled Japanese beetle trap. He's now bringing me offerings for my girls.
That's what I was wondering: if it's OK to feed the beetles from the trap to the chickens. The one we have has bait and that's what made me wonder if it would make the chickens sick. Ours seems quite full.
I almost lost a roo to heat stroke today. got him cooled down and if he makes it through the night without brain swelling, should be fine. he was in bad shape. I had a meeting that I was at and when I got home I could see he was in trouble. fingers crossed but this is why I keep 2 roos of each breed. things happen
hope he makes it Hoppy
your trap is attracting them. not only from your yard but your neighbors. I took down my traps and i had way less jap beetles.

That's what I was wondering: if it's OK to feed the beetles from the trap to the chickens. The one we have has bait and that's what made me wonder if it would make the chickens sick. Ours seems quite full.
this morning he's looking a bit better, eating and drinking but still wants his head tipped to the side and still can't stand. I guess the one good thing that came out of all of this is that I finally got a vent put in the coop after 2 yrs of being promised it would happen, i threatened to cut a hole in the wall myself and it wouldn't be pretty but would be functional.

hope he makes it Hoppy
this morning he's looking a bit better, eating and drinking but still wants his head tipped to the side and still can't stand. I guess the one good thing that came out of all of this is that I finally got a vent put in the coop after 2 yrs of being promised it would happen, i threatened to cut a hole in the wall myself and it wouldn't be pretty but would be functional.

Hoppy, glad your roo is better. Glad you got a vent. When my Hubby's grandmother wanted a wider doorway between her dining area and the living room, she asked politely... waited a bit... then she took a sledge hammer to the wall. She got her wider doorway. I'm quite fond of sledge hammers for a variety of home improvement tasks. However, I find that a reciprocating saw gets the job done with a little bit less mess!

Re: Japanese beetles, I've tried with and without traps and found no difference in my yard. But I feel better about being able to destroy beetles via a trap. Also, when hand picking, supposedly the ones with the white spots on their heads are parasitized, and theoretically, if you leave those, your population will decrease in future generations. The good news is that my neighbor is now using traps. Last year he didn't... so perhaps next year, if he continues to trap, I won't! I've also heard that if you plant a trap crop (ie grapes) the beetles will leave the rest of your crops alone. I'm not seeing any oriental lily beetles this year. The only thing I've done different is to mulch flower beds heavily with a load of "shredded trees" from the dump. (Irises love the stuff... some of my more tender perennials chose not to fight their way through the heavy mulch. IMO, at this point in my life, if it's fickle... I'm not going to waste any time with it.) Any one else noticing less oriental beetle damage this year?
This year is the first year I haven't had to hand pollinate my garden. I was worried at first, because my bees didn't seem interested, but now they're all over it.

I have a 7 foot tall tomato plant (and a lot of weeds):

... but no red tomatoes, yet.

Thanks, bees!

The white stuff at the bottom is capped food (honey). The tannish cappings are brood (larvae/pupae).

I purchased another hive last week when they were on sale to set up next year. I'm loving this!

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