
Appreciate the advice so far.
How about chicken for cold hardiness? Eating a pizza now to get my natural long john layer back up to par.
Too much time in the sun belt these past few years.

Honestly not so worried about me or the chickens, but wasn't sure if elevation would change the game much from Michigan
I've read and been told that rose and pea combs are more cold hearty. Also heard that naked feet are more preferable to feathered feet as feathers can trap and hold moisture. More knowledgeable folks might want to weigh in on the foot feather issue. check out Henderson's chicken breed chart. Good luck with the Caribou position.
I would think that in addition to the frostbite-comb issue, you will want to make sure not to overcrowd the flock. Mine don't like going out in the snow, which makes for a long winter cooped up. The more room they have, the better.

I am frustrated by growing out the cockerels. This batch has been quite civil until today. The group ganged up on one guy. He didn't look too bad, except for some blood on his beak, but when I wiped it off, more blood kept seeping out at the top edge of his beak. I can't tell if it is cracked, or if he is just cut, but I had to separate him for his own protection.

If it is only a cut, I may try to integrate him back into the group tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll be stuck raising a bird in a cage for another month. It's not a huge hassle, but it bothers me because I feel like I am punishing the victim.
Hi Mainer's! I'm on the border of Maine and was wondering if there were any BYC members that lived close to me! I know you must be saying to yourself, she should be on the NH site. Which I am but I live in the Northern part of NH and there are not that many towns around me. I have had chickens for the pass 2 1/2 yrs. This year is the first year that I have a cockerel so I'm looking forward to next spring. So I will be needing to purchase a bator and any info would be greatly appreciated! Plus it's always great to chick n talk!
Hi Mainer's! I'm on the border of Maine and was wondering if there were any BYC members that lived close to me! I know you must be saying to yourself, she should be on the NH site. Which I am but I live in the Northern part of NH and there are not that many towns around me. I have had chickens for the pass 2 1/2 yrs. This year is the first year that I have a cockerel so I'm looking forward to next spring. So I will be needing to purchase a bator and any info would be greatly appreciated! Plus it's always great to chick n talk!
I'm only about an hour away. I live in Fryeburg. Welcome to the maine board!
Hi Mainer's! I'm on the border of Maine and was wondering if there were any BYC members that lived close to me! I know you must be saying to yourself, she should be on the NH site. Which I am but I live in the Northern part of NH and there are not that many towns around me. I have had chickens for the pass 2 1/2 yrs. This year is the first year that I have a cockerel so I'm looking forward to next spring. So I will be needing to purchase a bator and any info would be greatly appreciated! Plus it's always great to chick n talk!
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Had an interesting event happen recently:
Just interviewed for employment with the State of Maine~

I had given up on the applications I sent out a few months ago and reserved myself for a few years in Michigan, or maybe even back to China for employment, but out of nowhere I got a call and then did a distance interview for one of the state run programs.
The position would be way up in Caribou, but that's no different than the UP in Michigan to me. Honestly I bet there are many more people that far north compared to Michigan.

We'll see how everything turns out in a couple weeks, but its encouraging news to hear.

Anyone from up in Aroostook County have advice about living near Caribou? Cold hardiness advice?
Anything is good to know.

Just goes to show that once you finally move on to something else the wheels finally start turning.
I was wondering what happened to you. Good luck with the interviewing! I've never actually been to Caribou, but everyone that I've met from there has been nice.
Hi Mainer's! I'm on the border of Maine and was wondering if there were any BYC members that lived close to me! I know you must be saying to yourself, she should be on the NH site. Which I am but I live in the Northern part of NH and there are not that many towns around me. I have had chickens for the pass 2 1/2 yrs. This year is the first year that I have a cockerel so I'm looking forward to next spring. So I will be needing to purchase a bator and any info would be greatly appreciated! Plus it's always great to chick n talk!
I love Shelburne! I grew up in Berlin and my grandparents had a "camp" in Shelburne. I spent many summers hiking the trails in that area. Such a beautiful place. I'm new to owning chickens and won't be much help to you, but I wanted to say hi.
Hi Mainer's! I'm on the border of Maine and was wondering if there were any BYC members that lived close to me! I know you must be saying to yourself, she should be on the NH site. Which I am but I live in the Northern part of NH and there are not that many towns around me. I have had chickens for the pass 2 1/2 yrs. This year is the first year that I have a cockerel so I'm looking forward to next spring. So I will be needing to purchase a bator and any info would be greatly appreciated! Plus it's always great to chick n talk!
Welcome chickery-do!

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