
Finally no more birds in the brooder. I re-engineered the bird pen today and was able to get everyone outside. I'm sure the turkeys will still find a way to get out but everyone else should stay put and I can finally move around the pen without hitting my head on the top panels.

Also installed a new gate for the horses. Can't quite use it yet since I need some bungee cord or some chain to keep it closed but it is at least up. Tried to mow the lawn but the grass is actually quite wet and being quite long it kept clogging the mower. Plus I forgot to fill the gas can so that gave me a great excuse to postpone the rest of the lawn. I also gave my problem child Icelandic a quick bath with some medicated shampoo to help with his really itchy skin. Then covered all his itchy spots with MTG (Mane-Tail-Groom) The stuff doesn't smell great but it does help. Poor boy looks terrible. He has rubbed almost all of the hair from his face and chest. Fly spray does not deter the bugs he is allergic to and with all the rain it wouldn't stay on anyway. Add the heat from last week and he would sweat it off.
Great escape story, pellepeterson!

I have a bachelor pen, but let them out to range in a fenced off area. The fenced area adjoins other fenced areas that are for different flocks. I kept finding these bachelors in the wrong pen (which is not good, as those hens have their own rooster). I did finally find a place where the fence became loose at the base. It has been fixed, but somehow, I still find one on the wrong side every couple of days.
We lost a chick and a hen to a hawk in the last two weeks. No more, not even for a second, out of the run. We were in the yard and the hawk took the hen today, our sweetie. I have one hen left, need to get a flock for her. Two more - how do I do that quickly?

I was trying to build my flock with the new chick because I had a bad feeling I would end up with one bird by herself, like a premonition. Now I need two more at least for her.

I let my flock down as well. I found feathers in the yard today. They still smell like lavender, I gave her a bath yesterday. I know she had a good life, and will miss both of these birds terribly. I hope and pray they were dead on impact, I cannot think of them suffering. It is very painful.
We lost a chick and a hen to a hawk in the last two weeks. No more, not even for a second, out of the run. We were in the yard and the hawk took the hen today, our sweetie. I have one hen left, need to get a flock for her. Two more - how do I do that quickly?

I was trying to build my flock with the new chick because I had a bad feeling I would end up with one bird by herself, like a premonition. Now I need two more at least for her.

I let my flock down as well. I found feathers in the yard today. They still smell like lavender, I gave her a bath yesterday. I know she had a good life, and will miss both of these birds terribly. I hope and pray they were dead on impact, I cannot think of them suffering. It is very painful.

If you are close to Buxton Longhorn still has some Golden Comet pullets available. I was there today and quite a few of them were already laying eggs. They are $12 ea.
Thank you pellepeterson. Yes, that's exactly how I feel that I let them down. I'm supposed to protect them and I didn't. Today no one free range and they were not happy with me but I still have everyone tonight! Maybe tomorrow we'll have supervised time and then an early bed time. On the plus side, we found an animal trap at a lawn sale today for $5. Maybe we'll catch something.

CoopChick sorry
Thanks quailtrail. Welcome to the Maine thread!

Does anyone have hatchlings right now? We closed down our brooders a couple weeks ago, but had one broody splash cochin sitting a mixed nest until yesterday, when they hatched and she promptly killed (but did not eat, ugh) all but one of them - she tried, but I got it before she did any damage. Its a little blue, half cochin and half faverolles, super stinkin' adorable but not going to spend its life in my shirt pocket (where it has finally stopped cheeping, and is cozy, but cannot stay while i work outside...) I'd happily give it to anyone who has a similarly-aged group to put it with, or take another chick or two to keep it company. Any takers?
I wish I did echo! good Luck!

We lost a chick and a hen to a hawk in the last two weeks. No more, not even for a second, out of the run. We were in the yard and the hawk took the hen today, our sweetie. I have one hen left, need to get a flock for her. Two more - how do I do that quickly? I was trying to build my flock with the new chick because I had a bad feeling I would end up with one bird by herself, like a premonition. Now I need two more at least for her. I let my flock down as well. I found feathers in the yard today. They still smell like lavender, I gave her a bath yesterday. I know she had a good life, and will miss both of these birds terribly. I hope and pray they were dead on impact, I cannot think of them suffering. It is very painful.
Eggsittter I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I pray that they didn't suffer too!

So Sorry coopchick
Thanks Paulajon.
Does anyone have hatchlings right now? We closed down our brooders a couple weeks ago, but had one broody splash cochin sitting a mixed nest until yesterday, when they hatched and she promptly killed (but did not eat, ugh) all but one of them - she tried, but I got it before she did any damage. Its a little blue, half cochin and half faverolles, super stinkin' adorable but not going to spend its life in my shirt pocket (where it has finally stopped cheeping, and is cozy, but cannot stay while i work outside...) I'd happily give it to anyone who has a similarly-aged group to put it with, or take another chick or two to keep it company. Any takers?

Where are you located? I'm in Gray and I have 3 (& more hatching) Cochin/Silkie mixed babies. They are only a couple days old. I'd love to take it or give you a couple of mine. PM if you'd like. :)

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