
Those look like lady legs (thanks to all the advertising I still try to spell "leggs" every time I type)
Have a great weekend everyone.
Not sure, but it doesnt look like Maine is on my list this quarter either.
There's always next year~
At least the job I have back here: Technical Writing, is paying enough to live and afford a couple good beers.
Ugh 14 hour day at work today. I do not recommend this.

I hate those days. Sleep it off.
Okay so I have a question for anyone willing to answer. So here it goes, You buy a rooster and some hens from someone for alot of money and when you get the them they are sick and so you treat them and fix them up and take care of them for 6 months and then all off the sudden the person you bought them from accuses you of stealing the rooster and even goes as far as showing up to your door with a sherriff claiming you stole his rooster and he says he will make sure you wont sell any more birds and he has told every judge and everyone he talks to at the many shows that you stole his rooster. What would you do if you most definitely did not steal his rooster? I'm assuming he must have sold him to me and not realized he sold this particular rooster to me but he did. Anyone?
Two options...

1. Be the "bigger person" and give it back to him, knowing you did nothing wrong--and walk away with a clear conscience. Hopefully never to deal with this person again. Chalk it all up to a lesson learned?

2. Realize you've done nothing wrong, and go about your business. File legal action/s if necessary (restraining/protection orders). Warn others, chalk it up as a lesson learned.

Two options...

1. Be the "bigger person" and give it back to him, knowing you did nothing wrong--and walk away with a clear conscience. Hopefully never to deal with this person again. Chalk it all up to a lesson learned?

2. Realize you've done nothing wrong, and go about your business. File legal action/s if necessary (restraining/protection orders). Warn others, chalk it up as a lesson learned.


I agree with option 2. You did nothing wrong. It would be great if there was a bill of sale but Im guessing you did not get one. And it has been six months. When did he first feel that you took his rooster? Why did it take so long for him to come with the sheriff? And how did you supposedly steal the rooster? If he has been bad mouthing you to judges you could take him to court for defamation of character. Not to make light of the situation but this sounds like a case for the Peoples Court.
Option 2 seems the best.
Possibly inform him that you were sold overpriced sick birds, Including that specific rooster.
Maybe this is Karma's way of informing him to pay more attention to something other than money.

If the guy goes nutty then start your own little campaign backed up with proper documentation,
Receipts for medicine, bill of sale, pictures you took after you purchased, or when purchasing, etc.
Common sense would dictate that if this was 100% legit it would have taken a LOT less than a couple months to notice the rooster missing.

Greedy people are crazy because they live in their own world and the truth will never help them. The only thing you can do is to prove to others that what he accuses is absolutely not true and save your reputation while you let him ruin his own.

Good luck and I hope it dies down.
Just remember you cant really fight crazy, like stupid its immune to logic and very contagious.
Work on protecting your reputation and dont make it personal
Or - tell him you will give the rooster back if he reimburses you the medical fees and the sale fee.

I think documentation is key here as was mentioned.
I would just like to add: There comes a time when you have to stand up for yourself. There's a fine line between turning the other cheek and enabling. If you were to back down and give him the rooster, he will be rewarded for his unethical behavior, and continue taking advantage of people. He's actually been to a judge? Did you go too? Were you notified of any court proceedings? If there wasn't an actual court date that you were invited to, he's just blowing smoke out his stack. If a court proceeding has not taken place, you might invite him to one. That might make him realize that he can't win this one. I'd definitely get a restraining order if he doesn't back off, and if he continues bad mouthing you, I'd go public with his behavior, including his name in a public venue... like BYC! I just re-read your post. The judges that he's talking to are at bird shows? Anyone with an ounce of intelligence would see right through him... Honestly... He stole my rooster??? Hey... your name isn't Snuffy Smiff is it?

This might be a good time to encourage everyone to guard themselves even when it comes to friendly bird swapping. I've heard this story more than once when it comes to purchase of animals... Being promised one puppy and ending up with an other. Keep a paper trail.
Okay so I have a question for anyone willing to answer. So here it goes, You buy a rooster and some hens from someone for alot of money and when you get the them they are sick and so you treat them and fix them up and take care of them for 6 months and then all off the sudden the person you bought them from accuses you of stealing the rooster and even goes as far as showing up to your door with a sherriff claiming you stole his rooster and he says he will make sure you wont sell any more birds and he has told every judge and everyone he talks to at the many shows that you stole his rooster. What would you do if you most definitely did not steal his rooster? I'm assuming he must have sold him to me and not realized he sold this particular rooster to me but he did. Anyone?
sorry to hear you are going thru this , my husband was self employed for 26 years and we finally to protect ourselves had to do paper work in writing with signatures in detail as well for protection, there is a lot of people out there that if they can get something for free, or get more money back etc. will do that . its sad.
IF it was me , I would want to know first why the six months wait, when did you supposedly steal this roo ? Did you take it out of his pen or from his arms and run with it ? Did you sneak and grab it ?
Does this guy realize that in a court of law with a judge if he admits to selling you hens and a roo then the judge is going to think he is nuts in my opinion , and if he doesn't admit it then where is his proof ? after six months you may have replaced that flock or purchased others . Does he have secret intials on these birds or positive identifying marks such as tatoos to prove they were his ? Coming to your home and claiming such a thing he should have absolute proof of what he is accusing you of. possession is 9/10 of the law . Have him prove the roo is his.
Don't allow him on your property to harass you. stay calm and peacefull and let him do his thing. take pics of your birds.
have a list of cost , boarding, food , medical care , labor, amount of time you have put into them. What you treated them for and how long it took for them to be healthy, what you have lost with dealing with sick birds and did any other birds catch it ?
I surely wouldn't want a reputation of selling sick birds to someone, should his flock be tested or are they ? People in general when going to the extremes; as my husband and I have learnt is dot your i cross your t's . let them run their mouth, and say what ever they want to, they will just hang themselves in the long run. after a while no one will want to deal with him as life is short and to show up with the police and cause hate and discontent no one needs it, nor do they want his drama. sit on it see what he does next or if you need for it to be over weigh everything out and make a decision.. good luck
I have weird birds. I was shoveling some dirt today and found some nice juicy earthworms. Thinking I was being a nice owner I threw the worms to the chickens and turkeys. They took one look and went the other way. So I retrieved the worms and threw them over towards the ducks. They at least decided I was great and were soon squabbling over the live treats.

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