
Thought you might like to see my McGyver heater.

My neighbor saw my post on Facebook about being locked out. She called to make sure I was safe. She said if that happens again, I don't care if you are in your coop clothes or not, you come right over where its warm! Good to have good neighbors!

Got new spare keys made! I had 2 sets made for the 3 originals. I did not know that I had 2 originals to the garage soooo I now have 4 keys to the garage. It's all good! I've got 1 set to hide from the kids, another for my chicken helper, 1 for Mum & Dad and 1 for my coop coat.

Love those brooder boxes! I had a broody in the coop one Feb. Mama did a great job keeping them warm but I did give heat because it was my first winter with chickens AND I was a nervous wreck that the chicks would be cold. I also brooded in the garage last year in a dog crate/cardboard box creation covered w/plastic fence & a sheet. Next time (NOT this year...famous last words) DH is building me a box or hopefully I'll have a broody.

Stay warm my fellow chickeneers
I'd jump at the chance to incubate a dozen or so Trader Joe's eggs, just to say I'd done it. I hear that their fertile eggs are producing some nice leghorns. Have you gals considered rose combed leghorns? or Hamburgs (rose comb) for those white eggs? Exchequer sounds like fun. What do they have for a comb? I bet they'd produce a black sex link when paired with the right roo.

Tnic: you're practically a neighbor. Dixmont is several towns away from me. I'd hatch a few Doms if I could get some good eggs locally.
Ah, no worries then. Hopefully we'll be home in time for the Fairs and meet a few fellow "Flocksters" and also in time to get an order into Cackle.

Still planning to do 50 SR of Doms if we get things together I'll ping you before I put the order in (if you want some chicks, that is). I hope to end up with 20ish layers and plenty of roos (sparing 1 or 2 good studly fellas) with their tuition prepaid to freezer camp.

Re-reading Ann Hess' book now.
Pasture Basics: How to keep the grass green and your chickens happy
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I would like to have a couple of rose comb brown leghorns, preferably a strain with excellent egg size and quantity. I would prefer to obtain them from a local breeder rather than a commercial hatchery, if possible. If anyone knows of a breeder who is hatching such birds, please let me know.

I have 2 Silver Spangled Hampbergs who usually lay a good number of white eggs but the eggs are almost bantam size and they have stopped laying for the last 3 months. They are perky, lively, pretty and great foragers. The smaller one (Dot) is tiny but dominant. When we were without a roo for awhile, she took on that role, bossing the other hens around and controlling access to the treat bowls. (Despite the fact that some of the hens are perhaps 4 times her weight!) She was furious when the roos came and fought them when they tried to mate with her. She has spurs. She finally warmed up to the gentle splash Isbar roo but never submitted to the blue and black Isbar roos (who were rough). The bullys are gone now and peace reigns in the coop.
LG, do you have hatching eggs for either the leghorns or the Hamburgs? I might consider that, if you do.

I got three single comb brown leghorns from Longhorn 2 years ago. They are beautiful-looking, but their productivity is nothing compared to my original hatchery white leghorns. Not even close. I've read that Exchequers are highly productive, like the whites, although I believe they are single comb. I've been thinking about ordering Exchequer eggs also. The only drawback is growing out skinny roosters for the table. I don't plan to keep a rooster for breeding, as I have no room for that.
Oh, I missed a whole page of posts because I am writing before coffee....

SCG, I'll keep you posted as plans evolve. I've always purchased just 3 birds from Longhorn. This year, their website says something like, "if you don't have any chickens, you might want to buy six, since they are a flock animal", but no restrictions are listed.
Thought you might like to see my McGyver heater.

My neighbor saw my post on Facebook about being locked out. She called to make sure I was safe. She said if that happens again, I don't care if you are in your coop clothes or not, you come right over where its warm! Good to have good neighbors!

Got new spare keys made! I had 2 sets made for the 3 originals. I did not know that I had 2 originals to the garage soooo I now have 4 keys to the garage. It's all good! I've got 1 set to hide from the kids, another for my chicken helper, 1 for Mum & Dad and 1 for my coop coat.
Coop chick: love your heater. Is it the "sleeve of a feeder" over the lamp? Good that you got extra keys. Yes, you should have gone knocking on neighbor's door.

Ah, no worries then. Hopefully we'll be home in time for the Fairs and meet a few fellow "Flocksters" and also in time to get an order into Cackle.

Still planning to do 50 SR of Doms if we get things together I'll ping you before I put the order in (if you want some chicks, that is). I hope to end up with 20ish layers and plenty of roos (sparing 1 or 2 good studly fellas) with their tuition prepaid to freezer camp.

Re-reading Ann Hess' book now.
Pasture Basics: How to keep the grass green and your chickens happy
So... give me an approximate month when you'll be "home"! I'd love to get some Dom chicks from you... if it meshes with my current flock ages. You might also want to check out "Chicken Tractor" by Andy Lee, The Small Flock Poultry Keeper" by Harvey Ussery.

I would like to have a couple of rose comb brown leghorns, preferably a strain with excellent egg size and quantity. I would prefer to obtain them from a local breeder rather than a commercial hatchery, if possible. If anyone knows of a breeder who is hatching such birds, please let me know.

I have 2 Silver Spangled Hampbergs who usually lay a good number of white eggs but the eggs are almost bantam size and they have stopped laying for the last 3 months. They are perky, lively, pretty and great foragers. The smaller one (Dot) is tiny but dominant. When we were without a roo for awhile, she took on that role, bossing the other hens around and controlling access to the treat bowls. (Despite the fact that some of the hens are perhaps 4 times her weight!) She was furious when the roos came and fought them when they tried to mate with her. She has spurs. She finally warmed up to the gentle splash Isbar roo but never submitted to the blue and black Isbar roos (who were rough). The bullys are gone now and peace reigns in the coop.
My RCBL are not the most productive birds, and lay a smaller egg. Definitely not breeder material. But they are a beautiful bird, and have some fair size to them.

LG, do you have hatching eggs for either the leghorns or the Hamburgs? I might consider that, if you do.

I got three single comb brown leghorns from Longhorn 2 years ago. They are beautiful-looking, but their productivity is nothing compared to my original hatchery white leghorns. Not even close. I've read that Exchequers are highly productive, like the whites, although I believe they are single comb. I've been thinking about ordering Exchequer eggs also. The only drawback is growing out skinny roosters for the table. I don't plan to keep a rooster for breeding, as I have no room for that.
Bucka, see above comment. I only have the one lovely EE roo to go over all of my hens.
Coop chick:  love your heater.  Is it the "sleeve of a feeder" over the lamp?  Good that you got extra keys.  Yes, you should have gone knocking on neighbor's door. 

Yes, it is the sleeve of the feeder attached to the lamp shield with the pins that hold feed tray to it. The shield has some handy holes that kinda lined up with the sleeve.
Hey LG,

Wish I could nail our arrival time down, but we're at the mercy of the immy process. Every time I think we have everything set they come up with more docs we have to send in.

At this rate I'm praying for June or July. A little late to get started with chicks, but we'll have to make something work.

There's a chicken lady just up the road from the house lot and I might buy some pullets from her if it looks like layers from our Doms don't look like they'll be ready for the winter. She has some gorgeous BRs and I think RIRs and a couple other breeds I forgot. Also some Guinna's that I'd like to talk to her about. They all free range under the watchful eyes of their big studly Rotty.
Well, hope you get the immigration stuff straightened out soon. We'll throw you a big Maine thread electronic welcoming party. Given your late entrance this summer, pullets would be a good idea. There's always the following summer to look at Doms.
Oh, I missed a whole page of posts because I am writing before coffee....

SCG, I'll keep you posted as plans evolve. I've always purchased just 3 birds from Longhorn. This year, their website says something like, "if you don't have any chickens, you might want to buy six, since they are a flock animal", but no restrictions are listed.

So I'm guessing they're not less than 8 weeks old cause I'm pretty sure that's state law. I won't buy started birds from anyone, but I will purchase chicks in a real pinch.

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