Major life conundrums...


Sees Wine Dots
10 Years
Mar 22, 2009
Heuvelton, NY
So I woke up today and sat there on my back porch looking at my 1/4 acre backyard and my chickens happily free ranging and picking at the organic corn cobs I gave them the night before and thought...
I ought to quit my job and get a farm...
Does this sound crazy? Has anyone else ever woken up, walked outside and wanted to willingly put their life in complete upheaval in the pursuit of zen happiness in having an organic, off-grid lifestyle?
I'm a nurse... maybe I'm a nurse that watches too much planet green. Who knows... what I do know is although I love my profession, but I'm not truly happy. Growing things and raising animals makes me truly happy... What do you all think...
Have I gone nuts?
I did this this past summer! Part of it was medically/emotionally necessary but I literally woke up and gave my notice and never looked back.

I a blessed that DHs job supports our family so with a little thought and energy, I think we can do it.
Did I mention I'm a PSYCH nurse.. trust me.. nutty is my life, and I'd love to have a recipe for pecan casserole... that sounds awefully good.
I think you should make it a goal. If you enjoy nursing,even though this is hard to believe, you will miss it.
I think it is wonderful you are happy with something simple like watching your chickens.
Do both.
You need one to help you through the other. You figure out which is which..
"How does this make you FEEL?"

Sorry, had to be done.
Do both. Have a job as a nurse, and have a big happy farm waiting for you when you get back from work! Maybe you could train your chickens to be therapy chickens for the people at the psych ward!

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